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From: / Messenger
Date: 5/29/06
Time: 11:43:54 PM
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If you really think that Mary Magdalene = (Magdalen) is a sinner, you must prove that YOU are not.

Other wise we should not grumble, and shut up.

Jesus = (Yeshua) said: any of you without sin throw the first stone.

We all sinned, Matthew 5:17 to 18.

 We are expecting God to forgive our sins but complaining that Mary Magdalene = (Magdalen) should not be forgiven.

The world remembers her sin and expecting God to forget their sins.

The apostle Paul sinned and killed many Christians; moreover, the Christians follow his teachings to abolish God’s Law, Genesis 17: 7, Hebrews 8:7, Hebrews 8:13.

We all look at the dust in our brethrens' eyes and disregard the beams in our eyes; moreover, complain about Mary Magdalene = (Magdalen).

We know that Jesus = (Yeshua) appeared to Mary Magdalene = (Magdalen) before his mother and his disciples to show that a sinner could be righteous through repentance. Jesus = (Yeshua) said: I came for sinners and not for righteous. The bible doesn't indicate that Mary was a prostitute or a sinful woman. The bible indicates that Mary was deceived with seven demons and Jesus = (Yeshua) cleansed her.

Therefore, Jesus = (Yeshua) was with sinners all the times to bring them to repentance.

Jesus = (Yeshua) cleansed Mary Magdalene = (Magdalen); Mary was a victim and not a sinner. The bible doesn't indicate that Mary was practicing demonism. Jesus = (Yeshua) was a victim when satan tried to tempt him. Do we name Jesus = (Yeshua) a sinner? Jesus = (Yeshua) didn't force Mary to be cleansed; Mary accepted this cleansing, which indicates that she was not a sinner and was not practicing demonism.


For more information about God's prophets' transgressing, refer to "God's Prophets and Mary Magdalene = (Magdalen)" file in the front page of this site.