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The Bible:
The false apostle Paul said: God's Commandments was put away for its unprofitable therefore, and through the Law, nothing is perfect, Hebrews 7:18 to 19. Paul said: God's covenant is waxed old and it is vanished away, Hebrews 8:13.
For more information about Paul, refer to page "False apostles"
Why there are peaceful and violent commandments in the Torah? For more information, refer to page "Ishmael / Isaac".
For more information about the bible, refer to page "Note about the bible"
The Torah - The 5 books of Moshe = (Moses)
· Beresheet (Genesis)
· Shemot (Exodus)
· Vayikra (Leviticus)
· Bamidbar (Numbers)
· Devarim (Deuteronomy)
= The Prophets· Yehoshua (Joshua = (Josue)
· Shofetim (Judges)
· 1 Shemu'el (1 Samuel)
· 2 Shemu'el (2 Samuel)
· 1 Melakhim (1 Kings)
· 2 Melakhim (2 Kings)
· Yesha'yahu (Isaiah) [Note: Isaiah = (Isaias) = (Yesha'yahu)]
· Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) [Jeremiah = (Jeremias)]
· Yechezkel (Ezekiel) = (Ezechiel)
The Twelve Later Prophets
'Ovadyah (Obadiah) Abdias
Hoshea (Hosea) [Note: Osee = (Hosea)]
· Yo'el (Joel)
· Amos (Amos)
· Yonah (Jonah) [Note: Jonas = (Jonah)]
· Mikha (Micah) [Note: Micheas = (Micah)]
· Nachum (Nahum)
· Havakkuk (Habakkuk) [Note: Habacuc (Habakkuk)]
· Tzefanyah (Nehemiah) [Note: Nehemiah = (Nehemi'ah)]
· Haggai [Note:Aggeus = (Haggai)]
· Zekharyah (Zechariah) [Note: Zacharias = (Zechariah) =Zachary]
· Mal'akhi (Malachi) [Note: Malachi = (Malachias) = (Mal'akhi)]
= The Writings· Tehillim (Psalms)
· Mishle (Proverbs)
· Iyov (Job)
· Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs), The Song of Solomon contains love affair and sexuality of Solomon.
· Rut (Ruth)
· Ekha (Lamentations)
· Kohelet (Ecclesiastes = (Ecclesiasticus))
· Ester (Esther)
· Daniyel (Daniel)
· `Ezra (Ezra) [Note: Esdras = (Ezra)]
· Nechemyah (Nehemiah) [Note: Nehemiah = (Nehemi'ah)]
· 1 Divre HaYamim (1 Chronicles)
· 2 Divre HaYamim (2 Chronicles)
T The following books were removed from the bible [Old Testaments] by the protestant church.
· Sophonias [Note: Sophonias = (Zephaniah)]
· Tobia
· Wisdom
· Baruch
· Ecclesiasticus = (Ecclesiastes)
· First Machabees = (Maccabees)
· Second Machabees = (Maccabees)
. Susanna
Jesus' = (Yeshua) gospel
· Mattityahu (Matthew)
· Mark is not of Jesus' = (Yeshua) disciples, he was a preacher, probably a good friend of Paul, or didn't even exist, probably Paul modified this book.
· Luke is not of Jesus' = (Yeshua) disciples, he was a preacher, probably a good friend of Paul, or didn't even exist, probably Paul modified this book.
· Yochanan (John)
· Acts, it is written by Paul, not Luke
· Romans, written by Paul
· 1 Corinthians, written by Paul
· 2 Corinthians, written by Paul
· Galatians, written by Paul
· Ephesians, written by Paul
· Philippians, written by Paul
· Colossians, written by Paul
· 1 Thessalonians, written by Paul
· 2 Thessalonians, written by Paul
· 1 Timothy, written by Paul
· 2 Timothy, written by Paul
· Titus, written by Paul
· Philemon, written by Paul
· Hebrews, written by Paul
· Ya'akov, (James)
· 1 Kefa (1 Peter) it is written by Paul, not Peter
· 2 Kefa (2 Peter) it is written by Paul, not Peter
· 1 Yochanan (1 John)
· 2 Yochanan (2 John)
· 3 Yochanan (3 John)
· Yehudah (Jude)
· Revelation
The books that the protestant church removed from the bible
The Old testaments of the protestant church contain 39 books.
In reality, they are 55 books.The following text gives the names of those missing books.
40- Esther (Greg), written in Greek language, a Copy from the book of Ester, with 6 more chapters.
41- Judith, the writer is not known, it a story about a woman that saved her nation, as Ester. (150 BC)
42-Tobit, was written by Tobit
43-First book of Maccabees = (Machabees), written by Jason Cyrene
44- Second book of Maccabees = (Machabees), written by Jason Cyrene
45- Wisdom of Solomon, this book was taking from, Psalm, Job, and from Ecclesiastes = (Ecclesiasticus) (30 BC)
46- Sirach, written by Joshua = (Josue) the son of Siracide
47- Baruch, written by the same writer as the book of Jeremy (150-50 BC)
48- Letter of Jeremiah Written by Jeremiah [Jeremiah = (Jeremias)] (300-100 BC)
49- Supplement Greg book of Daniel, written by Daniel but has no relation with the book of Daniel, this book originally was written in the Greek language. However, the first First book of Daniel was written in Hebrew.
The Catholic Church’s bible contains the 16 books that the protestant removed from the bible.
Some manuscripts did place # 50 to 55 inside the books number 40 to 49. It is true that we don’t see its titles but in reality, the following books # 5 to 55 are in the listed books number 40 to 49.
In some manuscripts, those books are placed separately according to its original titles, as it is described in this index from number 40 to 55.
The protestant church doesn’t believe in those books, therefore, you may not find them in their bible.
50 First Esdras = (Ezra)
51 Second Esdras = (Ezra)
55 Susanna It is part of Supplement Greek book of Daniel
53 Bell and the Dragon It is part of Supplement Greek book of Daniel
54 The prayer of Manasseh is part of Supplement Greek book of Daniel
55 Songs of the three young men is part of Supplement Greek book of Daniel
You may find those books in the above bible's chart. However, you may not find them by their original names. Those books are published in other books in the above chart under different names.
It will be published separately soon.
The following books are missing from the protestant bible you could locate 15 books of those missing books in the Catholic bible. However, the rest of the books you have to search for them through the Internet. It means that the protestant bible is missing 28 books.
1 Esdras = (Ezra) (150-100 BC)
2 Esdras = (Ezra) (100 AD)
Tobit (200 BC)
Judith (150 BC)
Additions to Esther (140-130 BC)
Wisdom of Solomon (30 BC)
Ecclesiasticus = (Ecclesiastes) (Sirach) (132 BC)
Barach (150-50 BC)
Letter of Jeremiah (300-100 BC)
Susanna (200-0 BC)
Bel and the Dragon (100 BC)
Additions to Daniel (Prayer of Azariah (200-0 BC)
Prayer of Manassesh = (Manasses) (100-0 BC)
1 Maccabees = (Machabees) (110 BC)
2 Maccabees = (Machabees) (110-170 BC)
The following list contains the lost books of the bible
Epistle of Barnabas
First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
The letter of the Smyrnaeans or the Martyrdom of Polycarp
The Shepherd of Hermas
The Book of Enoch
Gospel of Thomas (140-170 AD)
The Psalms of Solomon
The Odes of Solomon
The Testaments of the twelve Patriarchs
Second Baruch
Third Baruch
The Books of Adam and Eve
[Note: in some translation Henoch = (Enoch) = (Henoc) = (Hanoch)], and [Mathusala = (Methuselah) = (Mathusale)]
[Note: Henoch = (Henoc) in Genesis 4:17 is not the same Enoch that is in Genesis 5:24. Henoch = (Henoc) in verse 4:17 is Cain's son, and Enoch in verse 5:24 is of Adam's seed, who God took to heaven.]
The false apostle Paul said: God's Commandments was put away for its unprofitable therefore, and through the Law, nothing is perfect, Hebrews 7:18 to 19.
Paul said: God's covenant is waxed old and it is vanished away, Hebrews 8:13.
For more information about the Paul, refer to page "False apostles"
Why there are peaceful and violent commandments in the Torah? For more information, refer to page "Ishmael / Isaac".