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Koran = (Quran) OF ISLAM

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Note: In Islam, or in another words, all muslims love to use the green color in clothing, furniture, cars and in all. The green color refers to the green silk shirts that the young boys, the virgins and the jihadists will be wearing in Islamic paradise.

0.1 - Introduction:

1 - The meaning of the word "Koran = (Quran)

2 - Unreadable words in the koran = (quran): Mohammed's friend, Raheb Bouhayra, & Waraka ben Naufal

For more information about unreadable codes in Quran and Mohammed's friends Raheb Bouhayra & Waraka ben Naufal, refer to page "Mohammed" paragraphed # 2:3

2:1 - Chart of unreadable letters or codes in the Quran:

3 - Prophets, kings, rulers, and leaders' names in the koran = (quran)


3:1 - Is Ishmael the firstborn of Abraham or Isaac?

3:2 - Is the Furqan another name for the Quran? Is the "Book" sent to the Jews, Christians, or Muslims? Are the Jews the people of the book or the Christians?


3:3 - Why the Quran disgraces Jews and Christians?

3:4 - Why the Quran insists to eliminate the Jews and the Christians?

3:5 - Did Jesus learn the Torah and his gospel = Injeel?


3:6 - Few things about the book:


4 - Koran = (quran)'S CHAPTERS


For more information about who wrote the Quran, refer to page "Sharia law of Islam" and "Prophet Mohammed",  page "Islamic and biblical verses", page "Islam and the Bible"


Some Muslims scholars believe the Quran was written by four people, refer to page "Who-wrote-the-Quran?",


For more information about Prophet Mohammed's wives, refer to page "Polygamy, in Bible & Quran" Judaism, Christianity, Islam:





0.1 - Introduction:


As the Quran passages indicate in in the above pictures and according to Quran 2:190 Allah commands Muslims [Don't assault, Allah doesn't like the assaulters]. And according to Quran 109:6 Allah commands Muslims also: [no compulsion in religion, you have your religion and I have my religion]. If this so; why Muslims are killing non-Muslims and forcing them to convert to Islam?

Read quran 9:29 to 30, allah commands muslims to kill those that don't believe in him and in Muhammad, and allah is destroying Jews & Christians. In one passage, allah doesn't interfere with other religious, but in hundreds passages in the quran, allah or muhammad or whosoever wrote the quran commands muslims to kill non-muslims. IS allah man or a divine spirit? The divine Spirit doesn't make mistake and doesn't contradict his word, man does.

The word (koran = (quran) has many meanings in the Arabic language. The word (karaa) means "read" and it could be used in the past tense as "red" also. The word "korn" means "horn". The word (korn) means century also. [Notice the word (bible) in Arabic is (in-jeel), and the word "jeel" means "generation".]

In the above picture, the quran mention in sourat (Albakara 190) or 2:190, Allah warns Muslims, not to assault because he doesn't like the assaulters. Assaulting is attacking someone without cause. Some Muslims scholars translate the word [assaulters] as [those that exceed the limit]. There are many verses that have been twisted through translations to achieve religious and political objectives. Moreover, the verse sourat Alkaferoun 1 to 6) or (109:1 to 6), is about no compulsion in religions. Allah commands Muslims to keep their religion and let the others practice their religions. Muslims have no right to assault people to invade and to take their countries. If we read the passages below and compare it with the above passages, we notice that the Quran was written by more than one person because the passages contradict one anther. Some passages are peaceful and some are violent. Actually, the Quran was written by 4 people.

The passage in the above image says: Abdullah bin Amr mentioned that "Abdullah bin Masud" said: I shall ever love this man, for I heard the Prophet saying, take (learn) the Quran from four: "Abdullah bin Masud", "Salim", "Mu'adz", and "Ubai bin Ka'ab". Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith: 6.521, Narrated Masriq.

فقد روى البخاري ومسلم وغيرهما عن عبد الله بن عمرو أن النبي قال: "خذوا القرآن من أربعة: من
ابن مسعود، وأبي بن كعب، ومعاذ بن جبل، وسالم مولى أبي حذيفة".
قال الإمام النووي في شرح الحديث: قال العلماء: (سببه أن هؤلاء أكثر ضبطاً لألفاظه، وأتقن لأدائه، وإن كان غيرهم أفقه في معانيه منهم، أو لأن هؤلاء الأربعة تفرغوا لأخذه منه صلى الله عليه وسلم مشافهة، وغيرهم اقتصروا على أخذ بعضهم من بعض، أو لأن هؤلاء تفرغوا لأن يؤخذ عنهم، أو أنه صلى الله عليه وسلم أراد الإعلام بما يكون بعد وفاته من تقدم هؤلاء الأربعة وتمكنهم، وأنهم أقعد من غيرهم في ذلك فليؤخذ عنهم) انتهى.
والله أعلم.

In some passages in the Quran, allah doesn't aim on killing non-muslims, he refers to no compulsion in religion = [no force or obligation in religion]. But other passage says: the religion only for Allah = Islam. Islamic Quran (sourat albakara) 256, or 2:256, Quran (sourat Alkaferoun 1 to 6) or (109:1 to 6), Quran (Sourat Alisra 71) or (17:71)

However, the Muslims are killing non-Muslims for the past 14 centuries without looking at this verse. They can't blame it on Palestine or the Americans in Iraq or the Americans are helping Israel, or the British, or the French, or the United Nations helping Israel. These mentioned nations didn't exist during Mohammed's era. The killing did exist as commandments in the Quran for the past 14 centuries. The above verse (Albakara 190)  and sourat Alkaferoun 1 to 6) or (109:1 to 6),commands Muslims to attack people that attack them. Allah prohibits assaulting anyone, he permitted Muslims to defend themselves in this passage only.

However, the Quran is full of other passages that command Muslims to kill those that don't believe in Allah and Mohammed. I find this passage [2:190] contradicts others passages in the Quran because the non-Muslims are not attacking anyone, they are separated from the Muslim world, and they still face death by Muslims. For example: burning Synagogues, churches, killing priests, monks, and nuns, kiling Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Indus, killing peaceful citizens as children, women, and men in cities and in villages and seized their lands and moneys. It is all mentioned in the Quran. This kind of attack is permitted in the Quran because they are not Muslims. The Quran call them, Kaferine or [Kafer] = unbelievers. It means, it is a matter of religious war, not defending themselves, they are defending Allah and his prophet Mohammed, according the following passages from the Quran. Read the following.

Why the Koran = (quran) commands Muslims to kill those that don't believe in Allah & Mohammed? Reference, Islamic Quran (sourat altawba 9:5); and to fight those that don't believe in Allah and Mohammed, reference Islamic Quran (sourat altawba 9:29); and why allah destroys Jews and Christians 


and to those that wage war against allah and his prophet to be murdered or crucified or to cut their hands and feet on opposite sides, reference Islamic Quran (sourat almaeda 5:33)

It means, the Muslims are judging sinners on earth instead of Allah. Moreover, the same sinners that are judged by Muslims on earth will be judged for the same sins a second time by Allah [according to Islamic sharia law] after their resurrections from the dead, in the judgment day. However, if the believers killed sinners in the name of Allah, the believers that killed sinners become sinners [killers] also because they killed people. God judges sinners; it is NOT the Muslims' job to judge people or sinners. We all sinned and we are not perfect. The religious judge that judges people has to be perfect without sin. However, there is no religious man or religious judge on earth with this description. God is the only judge with this divine description.

Are the Muslims perfect without sin to judge sinners according to sharia law of Islam?? NO, they are not, and no human has this divinity.

For example: If a blind leads another blind, both will fall in the ditch. How a person can command another to remove a dust from his       [her] eye before removing the rock from his own eye. And the person that has a houses made of fragile glass shouldn't throw stones on his neighbor's house. Therefore, the religious judge has to be perfect and sinless and must know the past and the future and what is in people's hearts and what is in their minds to judge them. There is no religious person or a judge on earth with this description.

Religious or civilian judges can make mistakes which lead to unrighteous judgments by false witnesses and by wrong evidences, these types of errors deprave innocent people from their rights; which lead to decapitate people unjustly, stoning people to death unjustly, and beheading people unjustly. There is no turning back after these wrong judgments were done. It means, the wrong judge can't return someone hand or foot back after been decapitated, and his head back, or his life back through unjust deadly judgment. Therefore, in some nations, the death penalty is not valid.

Moreover, and therefore, these types of judgments or penalties should be left to God the Creator, not to man.

My personal comment has nothing to do with the teaching of the Quran because it contradicts Mohammed and the Muslims' ideology. I don't believe in revenge = eye for and tooth for tooth as it is mentioned in the Quran because I obey God and Jesus' Christ's Commandments. The good deeds are: [Love and obey your God from all your heart and from all your mind, feed the hungry, take care of the sick, give shelter to the orphans and the widows, pray for those that hate you, love and help your neighbors and your enemies as yourself, be good to that persecute you because God send the sun and the rains on the righteous and the unrighteous. Because if you love them that love you, what reward shall you have? No reward because you treat them in return. Even animals love their babies because it is in their nature. Therefore, you have to love people without condition for God to reward you]. With these good deeds = commandments, the world will live in peace and in harmony. Read Jesus' gospel in the bible: Matthew 5:44 to 48 and Matthew 22:36 to 39.

Killing people or unbelievers is a sin and those that practice this crime will be judged by God. I don't believe God would command the people to kill each other or sinner. God is capable to ensure righteous judgment to those that break His Law without the helps of people or Muslims. Can you imagine a human helping God to achieve righteousness? We can't even help yourselves, so, how can you help God to judge sinners.




1 - The meaning of the word "koran = (quran)"

The word "koran = (quran)" is spelled as "Quran", "karan", "karin", or Quaran . In the Arabic Language, the letters "K" and "Q" are pronounced almost the same as in English. Some people spell the word "koran = (quran)" as "Quran".

The word (koran = (quran) has many meanings in the Arabic language. The word (karaa) means "read" and it could be used in the past tense as "red" also. The word "korn" means "horn". The word "korn" means century. [Notice that the word (bible) in Arabic is (in-jeel), and the word "jeel" means "generation".] I don't know if the similarities between the word (korn), which means (century) and the word (jeel), which means (generation) meant something and therefore those doctrines are named suchlike. For sure, the bible is named (in-jeel) fifteen hundred years before they named the koran = (quran). It means that they named the koran = (quran) according to the bible's name (in-jeel). They probably named it "koran = (quran)" to read or to be red because the word "koran = (quran)" means "read" the past tense of "read" or "to read".

The Arabic word for "Islam" in English is "to surrender". The Arabic word "salam" in English means "peace". The Arabic word "aslem" means in English "surrendered" or "submission".


2 - Unreadable words in the koran = (quran) and Mohammed's friends, Raheb Bouhayra and Waraka iben Naufal

The koran = (quran) contains unreadable letters and words in the beginning of some chapters. Even moslem = (muslim) scholars don't know the meaning of those letters and words [codes] because these words are written in Arabic letters but has no meaning in the Arabic language. Some people believe that those letters are codes or may have numeric values for imperative messages.

Christians believe that the chapter of Mariam = (Mary) the mother of Jesus, which is chapter nineteen in the Quran, verse one contains the word "khyas". The word "khyas" pronounce in Arabic "khyaas". The letter "aa" doesn't exist in English and in Arabic alphabet. The letter "a" is written as double "aa" to achieve the Arabic pronunciation of that word. It means that this word contains five letters, not six.

Bohayra's theology and the word [kahyos]:

History indicates that “Raheb Bouhayra = (Bouhaira) = (bohaira) = (bohayra) = (Bahira)" the Christian monk and Kadija's uncle, which is [Waraka Bin Naufal] the scriber were very good friend to prophet Mohammed. Kadija is Mohamed's wife, Kadija and her uncle Waraks were christians.

SOME ancient Christians during Mohammed's era believe that "Raheb Bouhayra = (Bouhaira) = (bohaira) = (bohayra)" and Nawfel Iben Waraka = or [Waraka] [Ben Waraka] or [Bu Waraka] were helping and teaching Mohammed the Torah and Jesus' gospel that concern the Quran.

Were Bouhayra and Waraka Nestorian Christians? Nestorian Christians don't believe in the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus as the Son of God and as God. If we presume that Bouhayra and Waraka were Trinitarian Christians, it means they were teaching Mohammed about Jesus' gospel and the Torah against their will. Therefore, Bouhayra left some codes in the Quran as a message for someone or for certain people to read. The only code that was decoded or interpreted is [kahyos].

The word [kahyos] in (sourat Mariam) Quran chapter 19 is found at the beginning of the first verse in that chapter.

For centuries, people kept mentioning that the monk Raheb Bouhayra was teaching Mohammed the gospel and the Torah and Waraka was writing these information. Bouhayra left some codes that are written in the Quran in the beginning of some chapters. Muslims admit that Bouhayra was Mohammed's friend but they claim that Bouhayra was a Nestorian Christian including Waraka. Nestorian Christians denies Jesus' divinity and the trinity . But if Bouhayra and Waraka were Nestorian Christians, they wouldn't write the word [kahyos] in the Quran. But because the word [kahyos] is in the Quran, it means they weren't Nestorian Christians. I believe they were under pressure to write and to teach the Torah and Jesus' gospel.

Therefore, the monk left the Word or the code [kahyos] in Mary's chapter, and left other codes also for someone to read, which no one can interpret, including Muslim scholars. Why the monk left these codes, was he in danger, or he just did it to show that he still faithful to his belief.

Some Christian scholars and priests including individual believe that this word was mentioned by Rahed Bouhayra to Mohammed without telling him the actual meaning of this word. The Christian scholars and individuals believe that the word [kahyos] means [the Messiah is my God"]. However, this theology doesn't confirm with the Islamic teaching of the Quran because it refers to the Trinity. And since Mohammed was illiterate, [as he claimed] he couldn't have recognized this word in the quran. I personally believe that this word [kahyos] means [the Messiah is my God] because the numeric value of both words are identical in the ancient Arabic alphabet. I also believe that the Quran was written during Mohamed era, not after.

For example: the code "khays" in Mariam's chapter 19 means "the Messiah is my God" contradicts the koran = (quran) because the koran = (quran) indicates that Jesus is the messenger of God, not God, or the Son of God. The Quran condemns those that believe in Trinity as the Christians. Mariam's = (Mary's) chapter in the Quran contains events about Mary's conception and the birth of Jesus = (Isa) as the messenger of Allah, not the son of allah, therefore the muslims are killing the Christians because they believe Jesus is the Son of God. According to the Quran, the Christians are unclean and blaspheming God because they believe Jesus is his son.

The meaning of the monk's name and Waraka's names:

Waraka the son of Nawfal, it means in Arabic [Waraka bin Nawfal]

The word Raheb means “monk”. The word [Waraka] means "paper, which indicates that this person was an author = a scriber. The word [Bin] or [ibin] or [ben] [iben] means [son of], the meaning of [bu] or [abu] means [the father of] or [the keeper of]. The meaning of the word Waraka is [paper]. It is not clear if these words concern his nick name of this person or his occupation. It means Waraka was a scriber or an author, therefore, he got the nick name [Waraka] which refer to a person that write on [paper] or does a library work.

The monk Bouhayra = (Bouhaira) = (bohaira) = (bohayra) (Bohayra)

The Arabic word "Raheb" means "monk" in English. The word [Bouhayra] means lake. It is possible that the monk got a nick name because he was living near a lake or in a church near a lake. It is possible also that it was his last name also. However, the Muslim scholars are mentioning constantly about Mohammed going to Haraa cave to pray and to have revelation with the angel Gabriel. I believe the cave's name is part of the name Bou-hayra. They probably spelled part of the monk's name differently to remove doubt that Rahb Bou-hayra has something to do with this cave. It means, they switch the word [hayra] to [haraa]. But I am sure it is [haara] to reach the same pronunciation as [hayra] in Arabic language.

Usually, a monk or a hermit vow to live in a cave as a sacred vow to God the Creator. I believe that the name of the cave is part of the Monk's name, which has two answers. First: they named the cave according to the Monk's name. Second: they gave a nick name to Monk according to the cave's name.

Some ancient Christians are not sure if this monk left Christianity or forced to leave Christianity and the church. I believe that the monk was living in a cave as a sacred vow to God. The ancient Christians believe that Bou-hayra and Waraka were with Mohammed most of the times and use to meet in the cave where the monk was living to debate about the Torah and Jesus' gospel.

The Monk Bou-hayra had knowledge of Jesus' gospel = [Injeel] and the Torah = [Taurat], and Waraka bin Nawfel wrote what he heard from the monk Bou-hayra.

For more information about unreadable codes in Quran and Mohammed's friends Raheb Bouhayra & Waraka ben Naufal, refer to page "Mohammed" paragraphed # 2:3

Some Muslims scholars believe the Quran was written by four people, refer to page "Who-wrote-the-Quran?"


2:1 - Chart of unreadable letters or codes in the Quran:

The following words are codes that meant something for the author that wrote the koran = (quran) during that era. Those letters are in the beginning of some chapters in the koran = (quran).

The letters (alm) are repeated six times.

The letter (k) is mentioned one time.

The letter (N) is mentioned one time.

The letter (S) is mentioned one time.

The letters (tasm) are repeated two times.

The letters (almr) are mentioned one time.

The letters (hm) are mentioned one time. [The letters (hm) are pronounced (Ham) in Arabic languge.]

The letters (amk) are mentioned one time.

The letters (ys) are mentioned one time.

The letters (ts) are mentioned one time.

The letters (alr) are mentioned five times.

The letters (Hm) are mentioned seven times.

The letters (alms) are mentioned one time.

The letters (khyas) are mentioned one time.

The letters (th) are mentioned one time.




3 - Prophets, kings, ruler, and leaders' names in the koran = (quran):


In the koran = (quran), the names of God, Jesus, and the prophets are spelled differently in the Arabic and the English versions. Usually, the Arabs name those prophets and God differently.




Allah = god

Allah = god

Alah = god

Allh = god

lord = god


Ibrahim = (Abraham)

Marium = (Mariam) = (Mary)

Nuh = (Noah)

Ismail = (Ishmael)

Ishaq = (Isaac)

Yaqoub = (Jacob)

Isa = (Jesus)

Ayub = (Job)

Yunus = (Jonah)

Haroun = (Aaron)

Sulaiman = (Solomon)

Dawood = (David)
Musa = (Moses)

Firon's = (Pharaoh)


Yusuf = (Joseph)

Zakariya = (Zachariah) = (Zechariah)

Yahya = (John the Baptist)

Ilyas = (Elijah)

Al-Yasha = (Elisha)

Lut = (Lot)

Idris = (Enoch)

polytheists = (Moushrekeen) = (Christians) = (Trinitarians)

Fight  = (Kill slay slain smite)

Iblis = (devil or Lucifer)

Injeel = (bible or Jesus’ gospel)

chastity = (virginity)


Mohamed / Mohammed = Muhammed = Muhammad


3:1 - Is Ishmael the firstborn of Abraham or Isaac?

[The koran = (quran) confirms Abraham's son is Isaac and then, Jacob the son of Isaac, the name of Ishmael is not mentioned in this passage because Ishmael is the son of Hager.

The passage reads: [And his wife was standing (by), so she laughed, then We gave her the good news of Ishaq = (Isaac) and after Ishaq = (Isaac) Yaqoub = (Jacob), (koran = (quran) of Islam (sourat houd 11:71).] [Note: In this passage Sara had two sons, Isaac and Jacob, it isn't possible. Jacob is the son of Isaac, not the son of Sara.] 

The actual verse in koran = (quran) is: [11.71] And his wife was standing (by), so she laughed, then We gave her the good news of Ishaq = (Isaac) and after Ishaq = (Isaac) [of a son's son] Yaqoub = (Jacob).]


3:2 - Is the Furqan another name for the Quran? Is the "Book" sent to the Jews, Christians, or Muslims? Are the Jews the people of the book or the Chritians?

[Note: the word [Book] is possible meant for the koran or other?) and the word Furqan means "Quran" for some Scholars and it means "the criterion between truth and falsehood"  also. In verse 3:3 and 3:4, there are four items mentioned: the Book, the Torah, Jesus' gospel, and the Furqan. It is understood about Jesus' gospel and the Torah, but about the book and the Furqan are confusing. The Quran once mentions that the Christians are the followers of the book and another time they are the followers of the Injeel = Jesus' gospel. Other times, the Quran mentions that the Jews are the followers of the book and another time the Jews are the followers of the Torah. And this time, allah send the Furqan, which i can't say it meanest to be the Quran. You decide]


Wrong translation in some English translation for the Quran:

[3:3] He has revealed to you the Book with truth, verifying that which is before it, and He revealed the Taurat = (Torah) and the A-njel = (Jesus' Gospel) aforetime, a guidance for the people, and He sent the Furqan. Islamic Quran (sourat Imran 3:3)


Accurate translation:  [3:3] He has revealed to you the Book with truth, verifying in his hands, and He revealed the Taurat = (Torah) and the A-njel = (Jesus' Gospel).]


[Note: The word (verifying that which is before it) it should be in verse [3:4].

And the word (aforetime, a guidance for the people, and He sent the Furqan) it belongs to verse [3:4] also.]

Wrong translation:

[3:4] Surely they who disbelieve in the communications of Allah they shall have a severe chastisement; and Allah is Mighty, the Lord of retribution.

Accurate translation: [3:4] verifying that which is before it aforetime, a guidance for the people, and He sent the Furqan. Surely, who they disbelieve in the communications of Allah they shall have a severe chastisement; and Allah is Mighty, the Lord of retribution.


3:3 - Why the Quran disgracing Jews and Christians?

Quran reads:

(Sourat Imran 3:65) O followers of the Book! why do you dispute about Ibrahim = (Abraham), when the Taurat = [Torah] and the Injeel = (Jesus' Gospel) were not revealed till after him; do you not then understand? (Sourat Imran 3:65)


[Note: in the Arabic version of the Quran, the Christians are [ahl al Kitab] it means in English [the parents of the book]. However, Muslims translated to [the followers of the Book]. Sometimes the Quran calls the Jews [the followers of the book] also.] 

 The verse 3:65 means nothing to us in this era because the Quran doesn't explain much about why Christians disputing about Abraham. But we could learn other things from this verse and other verses in the same chapter. It indicates in verse 3:67 that Abraham wasn't a Jew and wasn't a [Nasrani] = [Nasara] = Christian, but Muslim. How Abraham could be a Muslim if Islam started 2000 years after Abraham's era?

the following text explains more about chapter 3 of Imran.


3:4 - Why the Quran insists to eliminate the Jews and the Christians?

By reading the whole chapter of Imran, it means chapter 3, I believe that the dispute about Abraham was between Mohammed and the Christians whether Abraham was a Jews because the Torah indicates that the Jews are of Abraham's seed.

The Christians also believe that they are of Abraham's in faith trough Jesus because Jesus was a Jew. Moreover, the Torah mentions that God = [Yahweh] commanded Abraham to refuge in the Canaanites' land and the land shall be called the Promised Land that God promised to give to Abraham's descendants. Here the conflicts started between Mohammed, Jews, and the Christians. Mohammed was defending the Canaanites' land and has to prove to his followers [his men] in the Quran that the Jews and the Christians are wrong; which persuade Mohammed's followers to fight the Jews and the Christians to get  the land back. This conflict remains until this day and will never end until Jesus' return because the Jews will never forsake Israel and the Christians will never change their faith to deny Jesus' crucifixion and his resurrection.


3:5 - Did Jesus learn the Torah and his gospel = Injeel before it was written????

Quran 3:48 reads: [ And He will teach him the Book and the wisdom and the Taurat = (Torah) and the Injeel = (Gospel) = (Jesus' Gospel).]

How God could teach Jesus the gospel, the gospel was written after Jesus’ resurrection to heaven in fifty years. Moreover, Jesus' gospel contains four small books that were written by Matthew, John, Mark, and Luke. Jesus' gospel is a history assembled book that mentions about the birth of Jesus, his ministry, his death, and his resurrection. Jesus' gospel doesn't contain doctrines that concerns God's law as the Torah.

The huge error in this passage is that the quran mentions about Jesus taught three doctrine books, the Book, the Torah, and the Injeel = (Jesus’ gospel).


However, Allah didn't mention that Jesus knew about the Quran and Mohammed.



3:6 - Few things about the book:

What Book the koran = (quran) is talking about? We know the Torah was written before Jesus’ era and the gospel after Jesus’ era, but the Book that the koran = (quran) mentions about is unrecognized. Jesus couldn’t have learned the gospel because it wasn’t during his era. The koran = (quran) was written after Jesus’ era in half of century; therefore, we can’t presume the Book is the koran = (quran). The error in this passage shows that the people or the Arabs during 600 AD didn’t know much about the Torah and Jesus' gospel.

Is it possible that some doctrines did exist that the people called “Book” that the modern world never heard of? The koran = (quran) mentions constantly about "the people of the book", which are the Christians and sometimes the quran refers to the Jews. The koran = (quran) indicates that Allah gave the Injeel = (Jesus' gospel) to the people of the book = (the Christians) to Jesus and to the Christians to learn. It means the Christians had doctrines, which were named “Book” or the Arabs never saw or red those doctrines. The Christians never heard about [injeel] during Jesus' era, the bible is called in Arabic [the holy book] = [al-kitab al-moukadas], which contains the Old and the News Testaments. Jesus' gospel is called in Arabic [injeel] or [al-bishara]. The Torah is called [Taurat] in Arabic.

I repeat one more time; the [injeel] that the Quran mentions about didn't exist during Jesus' era. The [injeel] that the Quran mention about is Jesus' gospel. For sure, Muslims including Mohammed heard about the [injeel] but they thought it is an ancient book that Jesus know about and use to read, which is wrong.


4 - koran = (quran)'S CHAPTERS:

The following chapters aren't linked to the koran = (quran). For more information about those chapters, refer to the Internet.



1                 Alfatiha

2                 Albakara

3                 Imran

4                 Alnisaa

5                 Almaada

6                 Alinaam

7                 Aliaraf

8                 Alinfal

9                 Altawba

10               Youness

11               Houd

12               Yusuf

13              Alrad

14              Ibrahim

15              Alajar

16              Alnahl

17              Alisra

18              Alkaef

19              Mariam

20              Tah

21              Alanbiaa

22              Alhaj

23              Almouaminine

24              Alnour

25              Alfirkan


26             Alshouara

27             Alnamel

28             Alkosas

29             Alankaboute

30              Alroom

31              Lokman

32             Alsajda

33             Alahzab

34             Saba

35             Fater

36             Yas

37             Alsifat

38             "S"

39             Alzim

40             Gafer

41             Faslet

42             Alshoury

43             Alzkref

44             Aldikan

45             Aljathia

46             Alihkaf

47             Mohammed

48             Alfatih

49             Alhjrat

50             (K) or (Q)


51              Alzariat

52              Altor

53              Alnajm

54              Alkamar

55              Alrihman

56              Alwakaat

57              ALhadid

58              Almjadlet

59             Alhashar

60              Almimtahna

61              Alsaf

62              Aljoumaa

63              Alminafikune

64              Altagabe

65              Altalak

66              Altahrine

67              Almalek

68              Alkalm

69              Alhakt

70              almaarej

71              Nuh

72              Aljin

73              Almizml

74              Almdther

75              Alkiama


76              Alinsan

77              Almirsalat

78              Alnaba

79              Alnaziaat

80             Abas

81             Altakwee

82             Alinfitar

83             Almitfine

84             Alinshikak

85             albrouj

86             altarek

87             Alaaala

88             Alashia

89_           Alfajer

90             Albaled

91             Alshames

92             Allial

93             Aldeha

94             Alshareh

95             Alteen

96             Alalek

97             Alkader

98             Albaynet

99             Alzlzelet

100           Aladiat


101           Alkarea

102           Altakather

103           Alaser

104           Alhamzat

105           Alfee

106           Kuriash

107           Almaaun

108           Alkowther

109          Alkaferoon

110            Alnaser

111            Almthel

112            Aliklas

113            Alfalek

114            Alnas



For more information about Raheb Bohaira and Mohammed's family, refer to page "Mohammed"


For more information about the koran, Bible, and the Torah, refer to page   "Islamic and biblical verses"      "Torah and Jesus' goapel"      "Torah"      "Torah mitzvot" 


Warning: all the names including the name of the beast 666, or any religious and individuals' names, politicians, politic groups, and any predictions in this site are examples and personal thoughts only. These predictions and names have no connection with reality and authentic events unless it is mentioned so with references and proper sources.


The names of individuals and countries have nothing to do with the beast's number 666 or with any wars, invasions, violence, organizations, or with any religious or politic group. Some religious and violent texts are mentioned according to biblical and quranical "quran" records and to authentic events that are announced through the news or the web with sources. Otherwise, those texts are considered unreliable information.



We aren't responsible for any unreliable information in this site that is given by individuals or through the web. The predictions and the information that are written by us aren't positive until these predictions are fulfilled.