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Worldwide terrorisms are for on objective:

Example from the Quran of Islam: Why Muslims are seeking to conquer the world = [jihad]?


According to the quran and to muslims, [the world] the earth belongs to muslims only.


 Read allah's word in the quran: (sourat alanbiaa 21:105) [And certainly We wrote in the Book of the Zabour after the reminder that the earth, My righteous servants shall inherit it.]

Who are these people and why they are terrorizing the world?

 Why they are killing non-moslems = (muslims) worldwide? Why these terrorists are killing their moslems = (muslims) brothers in faith that don't submit to their ideology also? Actually, these people are faithful Muslims because they are following the Quran's commandments; they didn't invent the Quran, they obey what is written in it, to kill people.

 koran = (quran) of Islam reads: [O followers of the Book = (Torah bible old and new testaments)! [you are nothing] you follow no good to keep up the Taurat = (Torah) and the A-njel = (Gospel) = (new testaments) and that which is revealed to you from your Lord; and surely that which has been revealed to you from your Lord shall make many of them increase in inordinacy and unbelief; grieve not therefore for the blaspheme people, (sourat almaeda 5:68 to 75),


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Page's index 

What happened to the world in the second week of April 2007. The violence of this wicked world is increased rapidly.


1 -Introduction

1:aa - Are we going to submit?

President of Iran declared the Islamic revolution to dominate the world. "Watch video" in column 1:aa


2 - Turks slaughtered three Christians

3 - Jihad


4 - Jihad is to kill whosoever doesn't surrender to the religion of Islam








4:A - Fifty bodies found burned in church northwest of Nairobi during Kenya election January 1 2008 (from CNN news)


4:B - Al Taliban is menacing the world, USA president, Butto, and President of Pakistan

4:C - Buttho's assassination in Pakistan (from CNN news)

4:D - Arabs protest Bush's visit to the Middle East

4:E - Russia warns the world by its nuclear weapons                                            

5 - America and the Iranians:

6 - America underground war on Iran

7 - Lebanon and Hariri:                                                    

8 - Australia in Afghanistan:











9 - Iran dishonors black people

10 - Iran’s uranium enrichment enters "industrial level"

11 - Iran's nuclear atomic bomb

12 - Iranian plan convinces Saudi Arabia for peace between sene = (sunnis) and shae = (shiites) moslems = (muslims) 

13 - Iran underground nuclear plan

13:1 - Iran atomic bomb is near

13:2 - Raped girls lose their heads also 

13:3 - Behead those that insult Islam


14 - Jihad   

15 - shae = (shiites) moslem = (muslim) in Yemen now:

16 - Afghanistan kidnap two French journalists:

15 - Jihad

17 - Bangladesh protesters:

18 - India and Jakarta:

19 - Iraqi blast:

20 - Iraqi group split from Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda):                                                                                                              

21 - Iraqi Kurds reject Turkish forces:

22 - Islam and the Christians of Lebanon:

23 - Islamic revolution in Egypt:

24 - Kyrgyzstan protests:                                                                                                                                  

25 - Libyan president encourage killing

26 - Morocco's blasts:                                                                                                                                                                 


27 - Pakistan and Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda):

28 - Pakistan and India:

29 - Pakistan protests:

30 - Russia helps Iran's nuclear plan:

31 - Russia protests:

32 - Russian revolution:

33 - Turkey attacks Kurds:

34 - Turkey Israel / Temple Mount:      

35 - Turkey protests:

36 - Somalia and Ethiopia:

37 - Uganda and Catholic:                         

38 - Nigeria's violence delays elections:


38:a - Women and children terrorists to kill


















The following link is about Nostradamus' prophecies. This link isn't in this page. Click on the links below to read the prophecies.

[Visions / Prophecies (15 century) "look for" Nostradamus prophecies about the Arabs, the moon-god, "goddess", and the Arabian beast "resume"

Visions / Prophecies (15 century) "look for" Nostradamus' general prophecies (English and French version)  "complete"]


The terrorisms' pictures are published by the terrorists on the worldwide "web" intentionally to scare people. The terrorists are aware of the camera-man because he is one of them. The terrorists are pleased and happy when they see their pictures on the worldwide "web". This drama is to scare people. The Islamic terrorists can't kill all non-moslems on this planet earth, and even if they could, they wouldn't because they need them to use and to charge them Islamic taxes. It means, IF the unbelievers and the infidels, which are the non-moslems pay islamic taxes [jizyah] they shall be free, they don't have to convert.


It means it is a tax law to get moneys [jizyah], not religion.


Iraq Baghdad, Oct 5/08, leaflets were distributed in several predominantly Christian neighborhoods, threatening families to "either convert to Islam or pay the jizyah or leave the city or face death," said the Interior Ministry official. Oct 12 and 13/08, thirteen christians were slain and thousands were exiled.

Historically, jizyah = [sentence or fine] is a tax paid by non-muslims in exchange for protection.
Read more about this islamic sharia law.


allah says: [fight those who do not believe in allah and his apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax [jizyah] in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection. (sourat altawba 9:29)]


Allah says: [slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, [Jizyah] leave their way free to them; surely allah is Forgiving, Merciful] Quran (sourat altawba 9:5)


allah says: [those who are slain in the way of allah, He will by no means allow their deeds to perish. [47.5] He will guide them and improve their condition. [47.6] And cause them to enter the garden = [paradise = Janah of allah] which He has made known to them. (sourat mohamed 47:4 to 6)]


Therefore, the moslems are killing themselves and others to go to the garden = [paradise = Janah of allah] after death where seventy two virgin girls are waiting for each man. The female don't have any reward in that garden = [paradise = Janah of allah]. They could be of the seventy two virgins. No one knows. It is a surprise.

It is ignorance, how could anyone believe such legend? Kill people to go to the garden = [paradise = Janah of allah] to have virgin girls and boys.

For more information about the garden of the virgins and the immortal boys, refer to page "Judaism and Islam"


Global terrorisms, refer to page "Women and children terrorists to kill




1 - Introduction


Would you prefer to live with your children in peaceful or in violent world? Your answer would be: "peaceful world". If you choose to live in peaceful world with your children, why you are obeying violent passages? References from the Quran of Islam (sourat altawba 9:5) and  (sourat altawba 9:29)


Do you call this justice?

Who are these people and why they are terrorizing the world? Who are these people and why they are terrorizing the world? Why they are killing non-moslems = (muslims) worldwide? Why these terrorists are killing their moslem = (muslim) brothers in faith that don't submit to their ideology also? Actually, these people are faithful Muslims because they are following the Quran's commandments; they didn't invent the Quran, they obey what is written in it. It says that the allah gave the entire world to his people = muslims.

The worldwide terrorisms are not coincidences, they are planned in advance. The objective of these terrorisms is to establish the Islamic caliphate of prophet Mohamed. The caliphate of Mohamed was ruled by the Ottoman Empire in Turkey. This Ottoman Empire collapsed in 1920 during the period of Ataturck in Turkey, which was ruled by Jamal Basha, which separate religion from the state. The worldwide terrorisms are planned by radical groups that are supported by many Islamic nations around the world, including Asia and Africa. Some European politicians and communist countries in south and Latin America are supporting groups that seek to descend Democracy, they have no knowledge about the previous Islamic revolution and the new one that is called Arab spring. Even Obama of America and the United Nations are supporting the Arab Spring that is led by terrorist groups that pretend seeking democracy. Obama knows about the Arab spring's goals, but the United Nations don't know it because the UN depends on Obama's information. Some politicians know about the Arab spring conspiracy but they could do nothing about it. Those that aim to stop the Arab spring revolution will be jailed or killed by the revolutionaries, the opposition parties, or the terrorists.

[Edited: April 2012] Thousands of Muslims are killed in the revolution of the Arab spring by the people that sent them to protest. The leaders of the radical groups send Muslims citizens to protest in the Middle East and Africa and in Asia. Later, during the protest, the leaders of radical groups send snipers to shoot protesters; later the terrorists blame the authorities killing protesters. This type of terrorisms is designed to descend the governments and the leaders of those nations, which permit the terrorists to place leaders that suites their objectives.

In reality, the Arab Spring is an Islamic revolution to establish sharia law of Islam worldwide and in Muslim countries. The Muslim leaders or presidents that don' agree with Islamic revolution will be removed by force and don't consider Muslim according to Quran. The Arab spring is aiming to descend democracy in the same time because democracy doesn't agree with sharia law of Islam. The Arab spring is aiming to revive the caliphate of Prophet Mohammed to gather the Muslim world against non-Muslims because Muslims believe according to quran; the world is for Muslims only.

Read Quran of Islam (sourat alanbiaa 21:105) (sourat albakara 2:193) (sourat altawba 9:29 to 33)  (sourat altawba 9:5).


Who is terrorizing the world and why?

The names of the radical groups and the countries that are mentioned in the following text are terrorizing the world to conquer the countries that are rich in oil. This invasion helps them to get oil-rich to support terrorists to achieve their objectives. The Arab spring is not on Iran, Hezb ollah of Lebanon, and Syria's agenda. The Arab spring is invented by Al Qaeda, Muslim brotherhoods of Egypt, and Hamas of Palestine. Iran, Hezb ollah of Lebanon, and Syria are not in harmony with Al Qaeda, Muslim brotherhoods of Egypt, and Hamas of Palestine because they don't share belief in Islamic religion.

Iran with its alliances as Syria and the radical group Hozb ollah is planning to control the world through terrorisms to establish the Islamic caliphate of Mohammed, which is called Al-Mahdi, which mean the guider. Iran and its alliance embrace the religion of Shiite Muslims, which contradict the religion of Sunni Muslims that is embraced by Al Qaeda, Taliban, Hamas of Palestine, Muslim brotherhoods of Egypt. The Shiites and the Sunnis are in battle for the past 10 centuries and is increasing overtime and it is at a danger status at this time [twenty first century]. The Iranian Muslim Shiites are killing the Muslim Sunnis to invade Iraq; Iran wants to invade the entire Middle East Africa and Asia to control the oil production to use it as blackmailing weapons against the west and the world to force them to submit to the Islamic republic of Iran. Iran, which is recognize as the Persian Empire did rule the world in 400 BC. Iran is aiming to revive this empire to rule the world another time.

The Muslim Sunnis are waiting for Al Mahdi = [guider of Islam] but they don't accept the prediction of the Iranians because they believe that the Muslim Shiites of Iran and that are living worldwide are not real Muslims. So, these Islamic groups are battling each other and both are battling the world as well to control it.


The Main objectives for the Islamic revolution of the Arab Spring:

The main objective of the Arab spring is to destroy Israel and to eliminate the Jews and the Christians worldwide. Read the following Why? The Arab Spring is not a blooming spring as we usually think. The arab Spring is a revolution to establish sharia law of the Islam that is in the quran worldwide. The leaders of the muslim nations around the world are interested to validate sharia law of Islam in the muslim countries because sharia of Islam demands to Islamize the non-muslims people in muslim countries or exile them. And the non-muslims that insist to stay without converting to Islam will be killed according to sharia law of the Quran. The first move of the Arab spring revolution is to remove those leaders and replace them with others that agree to establish Sharia law and to convert non-muslims to Islamic ideology by force if necessary.

These are some passages indicate the preparations to Islamize the world through allah's commandments in the Quran. The quran commands the believers in allah to fight and kill those that don't believe in allah and to oblige those that don't submit to pay Islamic tax, [aljizyah], but not for long time because they will have to convert later or death according to these passages from the Quran (sourat altawba 9:5) and (sourat altawba 9:29).

Example from the Quran of Islam: Why Muslims are seeking to conquer the world = [jihad]?


According to the quran and to muslims, [the world] the earth belongs to muslims only.


Read allah's word in the quran: [And certainly We wrote in the Book of the Zabour after the reminder that (as for) the land = earth, My righteous servants shall inherit it.] Quran of Islam (sourat alanbiaa 21:105)


The quran commands the muslims to fight sinners and those that don't believe in allah because allah promised them that the earth is for muslims only.

Quran of Islam reads: [And fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion should be only for allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors, Quran of Islam (sourat albakara 2:193).]


Let us read some passages from the quran that commands to eliminate the Jews and the Christians and call the Jews cursed, donkey, apes, and swine = pigs. And calls the christians lost and blasphemers infidels because they believe in the trinity. The following passages prohibit Muslims to be friends with Jews and Christians also. 

The first chapter of the Islamic Quran gives us an idea about the entire Quran.

There are 7 short verses in the first chapter of the quran that Muslims should pray before they start praying. It is called chapter or sourat [alfatiha] which means the beginning or the opening.

Verse 7 mentions about the [cursed ones] and [those that have gone astray].

The interpretation of the word [cursed ones] is the Jews = [Yahoud] and those that gone astray are the Christians [Nasara]. This interpretation is recognized in between muslims and is taught in mosques and in Islamic schools.

Verse 6 to 7 reads: [ Guide us to the Right Path (6). The path of those upon whom Thou has bestowed favors, Not of those who Thou has cursed nor of those who have gone astray. (7)] Quran of Islam (sourat alfatiha 1:6 to7)


The koran = (quran) accuses the Christian priests corrupted the bible = [Injeel].

The koran = (quran) accused the Christian priests hiding scriptures from Jesus’ gospel.  The passage reads: [O followers of the Book = (bible new testaments)! indeed Our apostle has come to you making clear to you of what you had concealed much [scriptures] of the Book = (bible new testaments) and passing over much; indeed, there has come to you light and a clear Book from allah; (koran = (quran) of Islam (sourat almaada 5:15).]

According to the koran = (quran); the believers in God the father, God Son, and God the Holy Spirit [holy trinity] shall be tormented. The passage reads:

[Certainly they disbelieve who say: Surely allah is the third (person) of the three [trinity]; and there is no god but the one God, and if they desist not from what they say, a painful chastisement shall befall those among them who disbelieve, (koran = (quran) of Islam (sourat almaada 5:73).]

The koran = (quran) confirms allah is one; he doesn’t give birth and doesn’t have a son, (koran = (quran) of Islam (sourat aliklas 112:1 to 4).

The mountains shall fall because hey said allah has a son. The passage reads: 88, And they say: The Beneficent God has taken (to Himself) a son. 89, Certainly you have made an abominable assertion. 90, The heavens may almost be rent thereat, and the earth cleave asunder, and the mountains fall down in pieces. 91, That they ascribe a son to the Beneficent God, (koran = (quran) of Islam (sourat Mariam 19:88 to 91).


Quran accuses the Christians inventing passages in the bible.

The passage reads: [Then We made Our apostles to follow in their footsteps, and We sent Isa = (Issa) = (Jesus) son of Marium afterwards, and We gave him the A-njel = (bible =Gospel), and We put in the hearts of those who followed him kindness and mercy; and (as for) mockery, they innovated it-- We did not prescribe it to them-- only to seek allah's pleasure, but they did not observe it with its due observance; so We gave to those of them who believed their reward, and most of them are transgressors, (koran = (quran) of Islam (sourat alhadid 57:27).]

Allh says: [9.31] They have taken their priests =[doctors of law] and their monks for lords besides allah, and (also) the Messiah son of Marium = (Mary) and they were enjoined that they should serve one God only, there is no god but He; far from His glory be what they set up (with Him). (sourat altawba 9:31)

The koran = (quran) names the Christians liars. The passage reads: [They have no knowledge of it, nor had their fathers; a grievous word it is that comes out of their mouths; they speak nothing but a lie, (koran = (quran) of Islam (sourat alkaaf 18:5).

Allah cursed the Jews and the Christians and will destroy them:

Example from the Quran of Islam: Allah says in Quran: And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of allah; and the [nasara] Christians say: The Messiah is the son of allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may allah destroy them; how they are turned away!] sourat altawba 9:29 to 33

Allah's word in the Islamic Quran says: [O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely allah does not guide the unjust people. Islamic Quran (sourat almaida 5:51)

Quran of Islam reads, allah says: Don't take  friends from the unbelievers, It reads: [3.28] Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) allah, but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully; and allah makes you cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and to allah is the eventual coming. (sourat al amran 3:28.)

Allah turned the Jews to apes and swine: Allah says: (Worse is he) whom allah has cursed and brought His wrath upon [Jews], and of whom he made apes and swine, and he who served the Shaitan [devil] Quran (sourat almaada 5:59 to 62)

According to Islam, the non-muslims are idolaters. The quran commands Muslim to kill non-muslims.

Quran) of Islam reads, allah says: [So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters anywhere you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (koran = (quran) of Islam (sourat altawba 9:5).]

The koran = (quran) call the Jews "donkey carrying doctrines", because they were told to carry the Torah but they lied through God’s scriptures. The koran = (quran)'s passage reads: [The likeness of those who were charged with the Taurat = (Torah), then they did not observe it as an ass = (donkey) bearing misery books in likeness of the people who reject the communications of allah; and allah does not guide the unjust people, (sourat aljoumaa 62:5).]

 koran = (quran) of Islam reads: [O followers of the Book = (Torah bible old and new testaments)! [you are nothing] you follow no good to keep up the Taurat = (Torah) and the A-njel = (Gospel) = (new testaments) and that which is revealed to you from your Lord; and surely that which has been revealed to you from your Lord shall make many of them increase in inordinacy and unbelief; grieve not therefore for the blaspheme people, (sourat almaeda 5:68 to 75),

In this passage the koran = (quran) condemns the Christian monks to the fires of hell for stealing gold, silver, and people's properties. Quran of Islam reads: [O you who believe! most surely many of the doctors of law and the monks eat away the property of men falsely, and turn (them) from allah's way; and (as for) those who hoard up gold and silver and do not spend it in allah's way, announce to them a painful chastisement,
[35] On the day when it shall be heated in the fire of hell, then their foreheads and their sides and their backs shall be branded with it; this is what you hoarded up for yourselves, therefore taste what you hoarded,
(sourat altawba 9:34 to 35)]

koran = (quran) of Islam reads: [Surely those who disbelieve from among the followers of the Book and the polytheists = (Moushrekeen) = (Christians) = (Trinitarians) shall be in the fire of hell, abiding therein; they are the worst of men, (sourat albaynet 98:6).]

koran = (quran) of Islam reads: [And the Jews and the Christians say: We are the sons of allah and His beloved ones. Say: Why does He = (allah) then chastise you for your faults? (sourat almaada 5:18).]

 Allah demands to cut the unbelievers heads: [8.12] When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. [8.13] This is because they acted adversely to allah and his apostle; and whoever acts adversely to allah and his apostle-- then surely allah is severe in requiting (evil). (sourat alinfale 8:12,13)


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All the recent revolutions that are written in the following text are related to the terrorisms of fanatic Islamic jihad's to descend democracy in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and worldwide. (Jih - ad) means: ["fight in the name of allah and cleanse the world from the infidels"] and force the world to submit to the Islamic law. The goal of these terrorisms is to establish "The United Arabic States", or "the Islamic republic", excluding democracy. The Islamic states will dominate the Island of Arabia, which is the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. They believe that Turkey and Spain will be part of the Island of Arabia because it was overwhelmed by the Islamic invasions centuries ago. They believe that "Al-jihad" this invasion will spread worldwide after they achieve their objectives in the Island of Arabia [including Israel and Lebanon = (Libanus)]. These terrorisms are controlled by one group at the present time. Their propaganda is invented in advance to blame these terrorisms on unknown terrorists to deceive the world. In reality, the objective is one, and it is related to one group to descend democracy by revolutionaries' terrorists to unite all Islamic nations in this world under one ruler. "The Islamic republic", which is "the Islamic States" that will control the oils' productions to use it as weapons to destroy the western world, and whosoever doesn't submit to their law and belief. This terrorism plan shall return the present civilizations to 666 AD. We shouldn't forget the invasions and revolutions that happened in the past on Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon = (Libanus), Israel, Africa, Turkey, Afghanistan, India, Europe, England, America, Etc... All these invasions and revolutions were related to the same plan. The world is approaching to the III World War soon. The Middle East shall face a nuclear catastrophe soon.

These terrorists are the sign of the beast (666), submit or you shall die.


For more information about terrorisms, refer to page "Sins and Wars"




 1:aa - Are we going to submit?












The terrorists are exposing their violent pictures worldwide deliberately to threat and to scare the world and to oblige them to submit without getting involved in global war. Usually, criminals and terrorists are committing their crimes secretly. However, these terrorists are exposing themselves to scare us and to make us submit without they get involved in battles and without losing their lives and their properties. There are few suicidal people that are in the hurry to meet their virgin girls in the garden = [paradise = Janah of allah]. The rest of the terrorists prefer to remain in this world to kill more people.


This kind of propaganda is blackmailing the innocent to surrender to their religion and to tax them according to their religious sharia law. Submitting to the terrorists without war is not an obstacle, killing us with our children, destroying our nation and our properties is not an obstacle also, but converting to their ideology is not possible.

















The Arabic word "Islam" means "submission" "surrender" in English.


According to Jesus' commandment, we are refusing this ideology even to death. Submitting to their ideology means that we have to kill people, deny Jesus' death on the cross for the remission of our sins and his divinity as the Son of God. Biblically, whosoever denies Jesus Christ as the Son of God is the antichrist. These are the differences between Christianity and Islam. First John 2:18 to 26, First John 4:1 to 11, Second John 1:7 to 11

Jesus = (Yeshua) says: Love, bless, and pray for your enemies. For God makes his sun rises on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust, Matthew 5:38 to 46.

We love people, righteous and sinners from various religions and nationalities, however, we are against sin and violence. Jesus = (Yeshua) says: [I Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance, Matthew 9:13.]

The book of (Revelation chapter 13) in the bible mentions about similar event. 

When the tribulation shall begin? Are Iran and Syria the cause of this tribulation? The tribulation began already, we are in it.

To watch women and children terrorists, refer to page terrorists "Women and Children terrorists to kill"

The picture below shows moslem = (muslim) protesters stepping on the American flag in New York City in June 2005. Why these people are dishonoring the American people. Why these moslems = (muslims) came to America and Europe; do they want invade these countries or it is part of their mission “jihad” to submit the world to their ideology? We love them, but we can’t mingle with their ideology. Why they are refusing our friendship? Is it because of our belief and nationality? Listen my friend; can you love people from different background and different religion? You can't because your religious book prohibits you to be friend with people that aren't of your religion, (sourat almaida 5:51).

References from the Quran of Islam (sourat altawba 9:5) and  (sourat altawba 9:29)








If you force us to submit to your ideology, we are not going to like this violent action and will never like your religion. You have to show us your religion is peaceful and beneficial for humanity before you invite us, or kill us. If your religion is peaceful, we will beseech you to accept us. Do you see the difference with these invitations? One is peaceful and the other is evil. Stop killing people, repent and return to the living peaceful God. You are free to follow evil and the living peaceful God. No one is forcing you; the peaceful God and His Son Jesus Christ love you very much and are waiting for you before it s too late. God shall reward everyone according to his deeds. The people with evil deeds shall be condemned, and the people with good deeds will inherit God's kingdom. Which one would you choose?

Why your god isn’t able to do it on his own? Does your god need your helps? Isn’t he the creator of all? If he is, why he is showing himself in weakness status by letting you do his work? Can’t he do it by himself instead letting you judge and kill people through immoral judgment? Who do you think you are? You are smaller than atom in the front of God the creator. Therefore, you shouldn't believe that God needs your help. God the creator is capable to judge people through righteous judgment, you don't because you are not perfect and you are a sinner. Can a blind lead another blind, NO. So open your eyes and don't LET the blinds lead you.

What makes you more righteous, you are acting violently and you are fighting people, which indicate that you are criminals, blasphemers, and sinners? If you really love God, you don’t kill HIS people. You know God the Creator condemns sinners and killers to the fires of hell. So you are not righteous, you are a sinner and a killer. Repent, God would forgive you if you repent; we forgave you already because Jesus told us to forgive the people that transgressed against us. Why don’t you do the same? Don’t you think you are committing crimes by fighting people? How can’t you sleep with bloody hands and bloody heart? Why don’t you ask your god to do your killings, can’t he do it? I am sure, he can’t; therefore, he is asking you to do it for him. We love you anyway. Repent my friends. You are obeying a violent god because he is asking you to KILL people. God wants you to be righteous, and righteous people don't kill and don't act violently.

References from the Quran of Islam (sourat altawba 9:5) and  (sourat altawba 9:29)

If your allah wants you to be righteous, how come he is asking you to kill? (sourat altawba 9:5) If your allah is merciful, how come he is commanding to kill people? (sourat altawba 9:29) Merciful God is not violent. You can't be righteous because you are fighting people. The atheists don’t believe in God but they don’t kill people, you believe in God and you do kill people. Don’t you see the difference? Who do you think is righteous and peaceful, you or them? For sure, the atheists are more righteous than you. Killer would never be righteous unless he repents.

You say: God is gracious and merciful. If your god is gracious and merciful, why he is asking you to kill people and to stain your hands and your heart with the bloods of the innocent children, women, and men that you suppose to love? Your god is merciful but he wants you to be violent, it doesn’t make any sense my friends.

Did you ever question yourself, why your god is merciful toward you, not toward other people from other religions? You are human being, they aren’t. Why, are you from different planet? They all pray to God the Creator, why your prayer is accepted only.

You have a problem my friends, come to Jesus, he shall give you rest because he loves you, and we love you also.









Watch local video about moslem = (muslim) terrorists threaten to dominate America and to Islamize all the religions of this world, stepping and cutting the American flag. The terrorist said that he has a license to protest and to step on the American flag, is it true? Who gave him this license, is his religion permits him to kill and to dominate the world? What kind of religion is this?

There is a mark on his right arm in this photo. I have noticed other protesters in different places have the same mark on their foreheads also. The bible mentions about mark on foreheads and arms, what do they mean with this mark? The mark says: [no God but Allah Mohammed is the messenger of allah] Through this phrase, muslims reject God the creator to replace him by allah.

The book of (Revelation chapter 13) in the bible mentions about similar event. 

Are these people loyal to America? How could they step on the American flag in America, why they came to America to begin with? Is it to obtain freedom or to destroy our freedoms? If they don't like America and Americans, they could go to a country that embraces their ideology. No one ever force them to come to America. America and all western countries welcome all mankind but the immigrants must obey the law of the country that immigrated in?

Stepping on the American flag in New York, shouting to conquer the world and to convert the world to their ideology. Watch local video

The sources of these videos are from  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e1BVxs_PM8  and  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLK1Xpc7SMQ&feature=related


In this picture, the protester that is on the left is wearing "a mark" on his right arm.

This mark says: [no God but allah and mohamed is the messenger of allah].

The terrorists [that call themselves muslims] use the same mark on flags, headbands, and arms during demonstrations and invasions. What do they mean with [no God but Allah] why these people are repeating this word:


Does the bible mention about a mark on people's right hands and on their foreheads?


The book of (Revelation chapter 13) in the bible mentions about similar event. 


Honestly, it isn't my comment; I am quoting verses from the bible and from the koran = (quran), and videos clips from "Youtube". You may watch these videos through their original sources and through this site also.

Jesus = (Yeshua) says: Love, bless, and pray for your enemies. For God makes his sun rises on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust, Matthew 5:38 to 46.

We love people, righteous and sinners from various religions and nationalities, however, we are against sin and violence. Jesus = (Yeshua) says: [I Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance, Matthew 9:13.]






















The above picture on shows a Muslim terrorist cutting the American flag in New York City in June 2005, saying: [allah is bigger.] If these people aren't happy in America and in Europe, why they came to the west to start with? If their allah is bigger, what happen to our God, is he smaller ?



Cutting the American flag:

To watch local video, click on this link: "Watch local video"


The sources of these videos are from  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e1BVxs_PM8  and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLK1Xpc7SMQ&feature=related




For more updates, refer to page "Site's Update" or page "The End"


[Updated 21 May 2008] the Lebanese government had withdrawn all actions against (Hezb – ollah) because they couldn’t control them.

[Updated July 20 2008]

The Islamic revolution began since Ben Laden started to terrorize the world. Ben Laden is an instrument, he receives command from few Islamic countries [including Saudi Arabia] to terrorize the world's nations; which will oblige them to submit to the Islamic sharia law. The worldwide terrorisms are organized many groups, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Hezb ollah of Iran, Syria, and few communist countries in Europe and in Asia. The worldwide terrorisms have one objective, which is to establish the Islamic sharia law and to hire a caliphate of Mohammed, which will unite all muslim countries in the middle east, Asia, Africa, and will reach to unite the entire world under the Islamic sharia law.

The United Nations and the European Union still negotiating with these terrorists for peace. Negotiating with these terrorists isn't going to help. Theses terrorists are following the passage of the quran (sourat altawba quran 9:29) to Islamize the world. The president of Iran had visited many nations around the world promising them to stop terrorisms in condition that Iran would be in control. After the Islamic sharia will be enforced worldwide, the terrorists will attack their non-muslims alliances.

The gangs of Ben laden that change the names of their groups many times to deceive the world are following the quran 9:29 as Iran. But the shiite muslims of Iran are fighting with the sunni muslims of Saudi Arabia to grab what they have looted from the world's nations. The conflicts between the Shiite muslims and the sunni muslims did start after the death of Muhammad.

So, who is going to loot the world, and who is going to kill million to impose sharia law of Islam? Well, no one, these conflicts will never reach a solution because the Sunnis and the Shiites are breaking the United Nations law and God's Law. These muslims are following Muhammad that lied and told them that the Angel Gabriele spoke to him to kill Jews and Christians and whosoever doesn't believe in allah and Muhammad, quran 9:29. Muhammad achieved to deceive his followers during that era; and these muslims still believe Muhammad received revelation to kill Jews and Christians. So, it is all about revenge, killing people, having sex with non-muslims women and to looting anything their hands reach on.

[Updated April 2012, Who is terrorizing the world and why?

The names of the radical groups and the countries that are mentioned in the following text are terrorizing the world to conquer the countries that are rich in oil. This invasion helps them to get oil-rich to support terrorists to achieve their objectives. The Arab spring is not on Iran, Hezb ollah of Lebanon, and Syria's agenda.

The Arab spring is invented by Al Qaeda, Muslim brotherhoods of Egypt, and Hamas of Palestine. Iran, Hezb ollah of Lebanon, and Syria are not in harmony with Al Qaeda, Muslim brotherhoods of Egypt, and Hamas of Palestine because they don't share belief in Islamic religion.

Iran with its alliances as Syria and the radical group Hozb ollah is planning to control the world through terrorisms to establish the Islamic caliphate of Mohammed, which is called Al-Mahdi, which mean the guider. Iran and its alliance embrace the religion of Shiite Muslims, which contradict the religion of Sunni Muslims that is embraced by Al Qaeda, Taliban, Hamas of Palestine, Muslim brotherhoods of Egypt.

The Shiites and the Sunnis are in battle for the past 10 centuries and is increasing overtime and it is at a danger status at this time [twenty first century]. The Iranian Muslim Shiites are killing the Muslim Sunnis to invade Iraq; Iran wants to invade the entire Middle East Africa and Asia to control the oil production to use it as blackmailing weapons against the west and the world to force them to submit to the Islamic republic of Iran. Iran, which is recognize as the Persian Empire did rule the world in 400 BC. Iran is aiming to revive this empire to rule the world another time.

The Muslim Sunnis are waiting for Al Mahdi = [guider of Islam] but they don't accept the prediction of the Iranians because they believe that the Muslim Shiites of Iran and that are living worldwide are not real Muslims. So, these Islamic groups are battling each other and both are battling the world as well to control it. [Edited April 2012 ends]

For more information, refer to page "Worldwide terrorism"

If Israel withdraws from Palestine and Israel is vanished off the map, the muslims wouldn't stop terrorizing the world. The terrorists’ goals are to islamize the world, NOT to establish Palestine.

But would Iran remain faithful to Russia if they ever succeed?

allah say in the koran: [fight those who do not believe in allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what allah and his apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax [jizyah] in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection. (sourat altawba 9:28 to 29)

Quran commands to kill the unbelievers, Allah says: [slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, [Jizyah] leave their way free to them; surely allah is Forgiving, Merciful] Quran (sourat altawba 9:5)

[Updated April 10 2012]

The arab spring is just a conspiracy to establish the caliphate of Mohammed to establish sharia law of Islam worldwide. The Arab spring has nothing to do with democracy. The United Nations and America is committing a huge mistake by helping the terrorists that call themselves peaceful protesters. The terrorists are persuading people by using passages from the quran to protest and to establish sharia law according to quran 9:29, afterward, the terrorists shot dead the protesters and blame it on the authority. Trough this conspiracy, the United Nations and especially Obama are helping the protesters [opposition party] of all Arab nations to descend  their governments. Many leaders have been dispatched from their positions, which permit the Muslims brotherhoods and its alliances "Sunni Muslims terrorists" to be in control. The same thing will happen in Europe, America, Africa, and in Asia. The previous leaders of the middle east did protect Jews and Christians for the past 50 years. The Middle East will never be the same. The terrorists will control the middle east and will force Jews and Christians to submit to islam, if not, exile or death. The terrorists are obeying the quran sourat altawba 9:29 and the United Nations is helping unidentified individuals that call themselves citizens.

[Updated May 2012]

The Al Qaeda terrorist group is considered as Muslim Sunnis group. This terrorist group [or gang] is attacking Iraq, Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, and America. The Muslim Sunnis and the Muslim Shiites are battling for the Islamic caliphate for the past 14 centuries. At this time, Al Qaeda and some Muslim jihadists = radicals, as Hamas organization in Palestine and Muslim brotherhoods in Egypt, and other terrorists groups that are related to them in jihad = [religious war against the unbelievers] are organizing an Islamic revolution to unite all Muslim countries under one leader to be ruled by the caliphate of prophet Muhammad. They give this revolution a fake name, "Arab Spring" that is seeking democracy in the Arab world. This fake Arab Spring achieved victory in many Islamic nations. Moreover, these terrorists are on their way to attack Israel to kill Jews and Muslims countries where Christians live to kill or to exile them. Obama is helping the terrorists of Arab Spring to achieve their objectives, which is to impose sharia law worldwide, because he is a sunni muslim. Obama is supporting the Arab Spring in the United Nations to achieved the maximum support from many countries around the world. Moreover, the Arab Spring is expanding its activities in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, South America and in North America also. America = [Obama] is supporting the Terrorists to impose sharia of Islam worldwide.

[Updated June 3 2014]

Would the Islamic republic of Iran "muslim Shiites" or Bin Ladin = [Bin Laden] = [Ben Ladin] = [Ben Laden is Sunni Muslim] throw the bomb in the Mediterranean Sea before invading Europe and the countries that are in the southern side toward the Middle East as Lebanon, Israel, and Egypt?

Will an atomic explosion deteriorate Europe and the Middle Eastern? Yes, therefore, Iran "Muslim shiites terrorists" is making a nuclear bomb, and the "muslim sunnis terrorists of Bin Ladin" are making something also. Both terrorist groups 'gangs" are fighting each other about the final lootings. Who will snatch the treasures first. No one.

For more updates, refer to page "Site's Update" or page "The End"

[Updated June 4 2014]

The beast 666 is at hand, the book of revelation chapter 13 in the bible mentions about a cult that will be killing the followers of Christ. Many churches & synagogues were burnt and many non-muslims are killed & their properties were burnet or looted around the world because they are not muslims. Do we have to change our faith to follow a violent cult to stay alive?

The Islamic conspiracy is progressing rapidly and violently by Obama's support. The world has been deceived Obama's announcements for many years. No one from the congress ever complained about Obama's conspiracy that he designed to support terrorists to impose sharia law of islam worldwide. Without mentioning names, many people are getting paid [bribery] not to talk. Muslim terrorists are progressing and soon it will be impossible to protect the world from the danger of the Islamic sharia law that is mentioned in the quran and that commands to kill all non-muslims.

Obama did contribute $ trillions to Muslim countries, pretending that these contributions are to help them to achieve democracy. However, the trillions of US dollars belong to the American taxpayers, not Obama's. According to the America law, the president is permitted to contribute or put America under dept around $ 11 trillions without getting authorization from the congress.

Obama spent 13 trillions up to 2012, it means he overdraw two trillions for his contributions. So, how much do you think Obama spend up to 2014? Obama is helping Muslim countries; and did not think about the homeless Americans on the streets and the American families that can't feed their children well.

The moneys that Obama sent to those countries [claimed to help innocents] were spent to support terrorists. Obama did admit that he supported rebels in Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and in Syria. These rebels of the opposition parties are killing innocent citizens, police, soldiers, and revolting against sovereign authorities.

Let's see how much Obama sent to Lebanon in the beginning of June 2014.

Obama did send two billion dollars to help two millions Syrian immigrants in Lebanon that left Syria during the civil war. But, this conspiracy is already used many times in many countries, and no one ever questioned Obama about it. Obama is helping radical muslims to impose sharia law of islam worldwide. Obama claimed that the $ billions that he had contributed are to help citizens. However, in reality, those people that are receiving the contributions are radical muslims. These radical muslims = [terrorists = jihadists] in Lebanon are buying weapons with this money to kill people and to pay off politicians and individuals to help them to achieve their wicked objectives. Their objectives are to impose sharia law of Islam worldwide.

The two billions dollars that Obama sent to Lebanon to the Syrians in Lebanon are to buy weapons. The Syrians that received these moneys are radical muslims. Theses radicals will revolt against the Lebanese authority to start a revolution to change the Lebanese constitution to have a muslim sunni president, instead a Christian Catholic president.

Why the Arab spring's revolutions started in those countries?

Obama knows it very well. The radical conspiracies that the American authority that is led by Obama are aiming to spread sharia law of Islam world wide. First, the revolution did start in Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and now in Syria, and next is Lebanon, and next is Jordan, and the entire world is NEXT. They tried to do it in Jordan, they didn't succeed, but they are going to do it after they finish what they have to do in Lebanon.

The radical muslims are aiming on the above mentioned countries because they are around Israel. The radical muslims' main objective is to destroy Israel and to kill all the Jews. Why the Jews, because allah in the quran cursed the Jews and make them pigs, and calls the Christians lost. So, the muslims are trying to obey allah's commandments. So, they are aiming to kill Jews and Christians around the world because allah says in the quran that the earth gave it to his worshippers.

For more information about allah's word in the quran, refer to page "Islamic verses" & page "Islam & Bible" & page "islamic-madrassah-closed" & page "Crescent moon god" & page "Beast religious" & page "Terrorists children" & page "Worldwide terrorisms"

It is very obvious, the Jews and the Christians don't worship allah. So, in according to wipe off these nations or in another words, to Islamize them, they have to invade these nations to control them militarily and religiously.

To enter Israel, they have to have their alliances in the countries that are around Israel, or around the borders of Israel. Therefore, we recognize the bases of the radical muslims terrorists are always in the villages or in the cities that are at the boarders of the countries that are facing Israel. It looks that the radical muslims are having difficulties to invade Syria for the past three years. Therefore, they couldn't attack Lebanon in 2011 in the same time, they were waiting to finish their attack in Syria. It means that the radical muslims are the same people that attacked Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and Syria. It means the revolutions weren't operated by the citizens of those countries, they were radical muslims = [terrorist] from various Islamic countries around the world. During the radical Muslims operations in those countries, the muslim religious leaders are preparing the plan to ease imposing sharia law of islam after they will achieve victories.

However, it will be very difficult for non-muslims and even for Muslims to accept sharia law of islam in those nations. The reason I am saying it because sharia law is very harsh rules that even muslims don't accept it, especially women and even men that spent their life following western culture.

We recognize these changes in many countries around the world, Africa, Asia, Europe and in America.

For example: in Lebanon, June 2 2014, they prohibit all religious symbols in schools, except muslim women's hijab is permitted. In Canada, no religious symbols in governments' offices, schools, and in hospitals, dresses should be modesty, it means, men & women are not permitted to ware shirt without sleeves and shorts pants are not permitted also.

In USA, they remove all religious symbols as crosses from public building, government offices, hospitals, and they remove the monument of the Ten Commandments also in some states. They are trying to control alcohol in some cities and muslims are buying churches to transfer them to mosques. In Asia and in Egypt, and part of Europe, muslims burnt churches and transferred them into mosques.


How the muslim religious leaders are planning their objectives to prepare the world to accept sharia law of islam.


To start imposing some of the sharia laws of islam in the west, Asia, Africa and in the Middle East, the western laws in those countries must be slightly similar to the Islamic law.

It means Muslims have to modified some laws of the west to make it looks similar to the Islamic law when they will force the sharia law islam worldwide. Yes, muslims are using the force and killing people to impose sharia law in the west. Let's see what the untrue muslims did change in the western laws. Note that the violent laws of the quran aren't mentioned yet. Muslims will announce and will impose these violent laws on us when they would control 90 percent of this world. Let's read some of these violent laws in sharia of islam: beheading those that refuse to convert to islam, lashing, hanging gays and lesbians, stoning women.. not men, hanging apostate, beating women, permitting muslim men to have sex with non-muslim slave married women, and many laws that disgrace women and men and that resemble to the laws of those that lived in the stone-ages.

Let's see what kind of laws were already accepted or modified in the world's laws to ease the way to impose the sharia law of islam worldwide. These laws aren't including the above violent law yet.

For example:

1 - "Marriage status "4 wives for one muslim man" & "pleasure marriages for few hours"

2 - "Divorce"

3 - "Abortions"

4 - "Homosexuality"

5 - "Lesbians" "lesbianism"

6 - "Law against the Freedom of speech"

7 - "Food consumption law as halal, muslim person can refuse to serve a client buying alcohol or meat that is not halal"

8 - "Alcohol consumption law & transportation"

9 - "Prayers in public & special rooms for muslims to pray in schools and on jobs five times a day"

10 - "Dresses"

11 - "Religious symbols in public places & in government places & in schools, The word Christmas is not permitted to use in school during exam and during classes"

12 - "Honor killing law, it means killing women that violate the Islamic traditions, parents, husbands & law"

13 - "Controlling non-muslims holidays"

14 - "Businesses will be closed on Fridays "prayers days"

15 - "Controlling animals, especially dogs, donkeys, and women not to pass in the front of a muslim man during his prayer"

16 - "Prohibiting people from walking their dogs within 100 meters from a muslim mosque"

17 - "Prohibiting police from entering muslims' neighborhoods"

18 - "Prohibiting non-muslims people entering muslims' neighborhoods"

19 - "Prohibiting police to use sniffing dogs when searching muslims' homes"

20 - "Prohibiting pets-stores "animals' stores" businesses to be close to Islamic mosques"

21 - "Muslim banks according to sharia law for muslims"

22 - "Muslims demand from the governments to cancel their previous mortgages that are signed by banks that are not ruled according to sharia law of islam"


23 - "Prohibiting pig's farm to be within 100 meter from an Islamic mosque"

24 - The government will build Islamic mosques in many places in the cities and in most villages using the taxpayers moneys.




"Hundreds of Islamic laws we will recognize in the future. Little by little, Muslims are demanding to impose sharia law of Islam worldwide. They will succeed because people are getting briberies."


Most of the laws that I have mentioned in the above example's paragraphed are already modified in the west, Asia, Africa, Middle East and in Europe to pave the way to impose sharia law of islam worldwide.

How they did it and why? The moneys that the muslim countries are making from the oils & from other incomes are deposited in special accounts in special banks, some money are invested in many businesses, and some moneys are given to individuals to smuggle it overseas to give to terrorists. Some individuals are contributing from their own moneys to terrorist organizations directly to support them imposing sharia law worldwide. 

We all know, with moneys, you can buy anything, but not love & honesty. This blood black oil moneys were paid off to people to increase terrorisms worldwide to scare people to accept Islam & sharia law of islam. Hundreds of incidents that were the cause of million death were prepared by muslim terrorists gangs; they weren't accidental incidents or natural disasters. The authorities are hiding most of these terrorisms to prevent religious civil wars around the world. The reasons for these terrorisms are to blackmail the authorities to accept sharia of islam worldwide. Some did accept to avoid casualties, and some accepted because they were paid off [briberies].

Let's see what were accepted or modified in the world's laws to ease the way to impose the sharia law of islam worldwide.

1 - Islamic marriage & divorce in the west are modified and are under study to permit a muslim man to have four wives.


2 - A muslim man can divorce his wife just by saying to her the word "divorce" three times. No need for lawyer, she is out.

3 - Muslims are trying to ban "abortions" which is good, but Obama is playing game to ban this law, one time he permits it, another time he bans it.


4 & 5 - Muslims are trying to prohibit "homosexuality" and "lesbianism", but it didn't work, they still trying because those that practice it in islam will be hanged. However, 90 percent of muslims practice it secretly, hahaha.

Muslims are getting friendly with politicians and some became politicians, which help muslims to achieve their goals. Muslims even pressure schools' boards, priests, bishops and even the Pope to discriminate against gay and lesbian students.

For example: June 10, 2014, http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/lawyers-to-debate-christian-law-school-amid-claims-of-gay-discrimination-1.1861073

VANCOUVER - Lawyers from across B.C. are gathering today to debate a resolution over a faculty of law program for a Christian university that requires students to sign a pledge abstaining from sex outside heterosexual marriage.

The Federation of Law Societies of Canada and the Law Society of B.C.'s benchers have already voted to accept graduates of Trinity Western University, located in B.C.'s Fraser Valley.

But more than a thousand lawyers signed a petition asking that the question be put to the society's general membership, which includes more than 13,000 lawyers across the province.

Critics have argued the school's so-called "community covenant," which all students must sign, discriminates against gay and lesbian students.



6 - Muslims are trying to ban the freedom of speech in the west because the quran of Islam is against the free speech.

"Muslims in Saudi Arabia demand an international law from the United nations to condemn those that insult Islam"

Muslims did change the law of "freedom of speech" in North America and in the west. They call it hate speech disgracing islam. People are getting arrested, a senator in Holland was arrested for making video "Fitna". Many people in North America, Europe, and in the middle east got arrested for free speech. In England also, no one can insult islam, but Muslims can insult any religion and anyone they want to.


However, if we read the book of Islam [quran], we find hundred passages that insult Jews and Christians read quran of islam (sourat altawba 9:29 to 30), and koran = quran of islam (sourat almaida 5:51)]


How can our authorities permit a book as the quran to be taught in schools and in mosques that insult all the religions of this world. The quran insults Jews and Christians, and permits muslims to kill non-muslims worldwide also. Moreover, the Muslims demand from the United Nations to impose a law prohibiting people to insult Islam. But the Muslims didn't mention that their quran insults Jews and Christians and all the religions in this world.


Moreover, the United Nations and the politicians know about this insult but they never protest the muslims' demand.


The proof is obvious, it is written in the quran, we don't need any witnesses to testify, just open the quran and you will find hundreds of passages that insult other religions, Jews and Christians. I believe, we have no authority, they all got paid to keep silent, but until when we should keep silent?? I believe, Obama must resign to keep the word safe.


Read a passage that insults all the religions in this world.


koran = (quran) of Islam reads: [And fight with them until there is no persecution, and the religion should be only for allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors, (sourat albakara 2:193).]


So, it means the other religions shouldn't exist because the only religion that should exist is allah's religion, which is islam.


Read quran 9:33, it reads: He it is Who sent his apostle with guidance and the religion of truth, that He might cause it to prevail over all religions, though the polytheists may be averse. sourat altawba 9:29 to 33

Therefore, Muslims are killing non-muslims because the quran commands them to destroy all the religions of this world and to kill those that don't believe in allah. Quran 9:29

In the above passages of the quran: allah will destroy Jews and Christians and commands Muslims not to be friends with them. Allah commands Muslims to kill all non-muslims because allah = Muhammad wants the whole world under his command. I don't think the world needs more proof to prove that the Muslims are aiming to kill Jews, Christians and all non-muslims in this world.



7 - Muslims achieve to impose a law forcing supper market to sell halal food "food consumption law as halal" they achieve to permit a muslim person can refuse to serve a client buying alcohol or meat that is not halal = "food or meat must be sold or distributed by muslims merchants and prayed over it by muslim religious person.


8 - Muslims achieves to impose a law in Holland "alcohol consumption law & transportation at the airport arrival" a person that consumed alcohol or having a bottle of alcohol in his bag can't have a taxi, he may take the bus. All the airports' taxis in Holland are controlled by Muslims. Muslims are trying to prohibits grocery stores in Canada from selling beers. Usually, the liquor stores sell the hard drink in Canada, and grocery stores sell the beers. If the Muslims achieve to prohibit the grocery store, they will do it to the liquor stores.



9 - Muslims is imposing law for "prayers in public", special room in all public places as restaurants & schools and in work-places must have special rooms for muslims to pray five times a day". Theses rooms will be built by the taxpayers moneys. In Canada, there are rooms for muslims in schools to pray. But, it is against the law in Canada for Christians to prays in schools. A school director was arrested for permitting students to pray the Lord's Prayer during a graduation party.

Muslims are permitted in Canada, USA, and in England to block traffic during prayers in the middle of the streets.


10 - Muslims are imposing a law in public places and schools for "dresses", it happened in schools in Canada May 25 2014 and in June 1 2014, girls sent back home because wearing shirt without sleeves and short that are too short are not permitted in schools and soon will be in public. Some girls were sent home because the strap of their bras are exposed near their necks in schools. Soon, muslims will obliged the western women to wear the hijab.



May 30 2014, About 30 students at Menihek High School in Labrador City, N.L., were sent home because of attire deemed to have violated the school's dress code — including wearing sleeveless shirts and having bra straps exposed.

The students — a couple of males and the rest females — were told by school officials that their clothing had violated the dress code. The boys were in sleeveless shirts, and the girls were wearing tanks that could reveal their bra straps.




Lindsey Stocker defied Beaconsfield High school dress code rules by wearing short deemed by administrators to be too short. The Quebec teen is just one of several Canadian girls to be sent home this month for “inappropriate” attire.





11 - "Religious symbols in public places & in government places" are banned in western countries. The religious symbols as Christian crosses and other saints symbols on necklaces or on clothes are banned in Lebanon. But, muslim women in Lebanon are permitted to wear the hijabs, veils or niqabs in schools and in public places and in government offices and in hospitals. The Lebanese minister of education claim that the hijab for women are religious obligations, but the crosses for Christians are not obligated. Updated June 4 2014.

In the west, the word Christmas is not permitted to use in school during exam and during classes. In Canada, in the province of Quebec, Christmas decorations are banned in the Quebec government buildings and offices.



12 - Muslims achieved to prohibit the media or the judge in the court of law to use the word "honor killing" to protect muslims' reputation. The judge in court and the media use different names for honor killing.

Islamic honor killing is not permitted and it is a crime in the west.  Honor killing is legal in some Islamic courtiers.


13 & 14 - The muslims request to the worldwide governments to "Control the non-muslims' holidays" to leave a chance for Muslims' holydays also. Muslims meant to remove some non-muslims' holidays worldwide to replace them by Muslims' holiday instead.


15 - Muslims are imposing a law in the west "controlling animals, especially dogs, donkeys, and women not to pass in the front of a muslim man during his prayer". Muslims pray sometimes in the middle of the streets to show off. They claim that there is no mosques near their work-places to pray and to return to work during lunch times. So, they demand from the authorities to prohibit dogs, women and donkey from passing in the front of muslim men during their prayers.


16 & 19 & 20 & 23 - Muslims achieved to have a law "prohibiting people from walking their dogs within 100 meters from a muslim mosque" moreover, they achieved to "prohibit police to use sniffing dogs when searching muslims' homes" because Muhammad told them in the book of Hadith, I don't enter a home where a black dog in it.

They also achieve to "prohibiting pets-stores "animals' stores" to be close to Islamic mosques within 100 meters. They also achieved to have a law prohibits a pig farm to be close to a mosque within 100 meters.


17 & 18 - Muslims achieved to "prohibit police from entering muslims' neighborhoods" moreover, they achieved to

"prohibit non-muslims people entering muslims' neighborhoods" in England. Women that aren't dressed according to sharia law, they have no permission to enter Muslim neighborhoods in England.


21 & 22 - Muslims in England deal only with "Muslim banks according to sharia law for muslims". They claim it as a religious matter, but it is a war against western economy. It is the same thing with halal food, they are finding ways to oblige Muslims to buy their needs from muslims merchants as a war against western economy, which make them control the world.

Moreover, "Muslims demand from the governments to cancel their previous mortgages that are signed by non-muslim banks" that are not ruled by the sharia law of islam. This is another war against western economy, they are destroying the economies pretending it as a religious mater.



24 - The government will build Islamic mosques in many places in the cities and in most villages & they will builds rooms in schools and in restaurants using the taxpayers moneys.

Muslims demands from the governments to build mosques for muslims to pray on the taxpayers expenses because the mosques are too far to attend during working hours. So, they blame it of the government, therefore, the government will give them what they need. But, they wont build churches for Christians. It sounds like the world turned toward the Islamic violent side. Wow..

Is Obama on Muslims or Christians' side? 

Obama criticizes the Torah and the New Testaments in the bible:

God's Law in the Torah is disturbing Obama that concern eating shellfish; however, Obama didn't mention about the quran prohibits muslims to eat pork "pigs" and didn't mention about the quran commands to kill all non-muslims on the face of this earth. The Torah of Judaism in the Bible also prohibits people to eat pork also, but Obama didn't read the entire bible, or probably didn't mention it because the Quran prohibits eating pork. So, Obama prepared his speech to disgrace Judaism and Christianity, not Islam. God prohibits people to consume Shellfish and pork because it is not healthy. The shellfishes usually remain in the bottom of the seas where they eat the waists of other fishes and humans' waists also. Some of these rubbishes washed away to shores for rats eat. The pork is unclean to eat; the swine "pigs" eat garbage. The pork produces worms if left in room-temperature. During Moses' era, they didn't have facilities to keep the pork chilly. Even so, in modern days, we shouldn't eat pork because it contains a lot of fat. The Torah prohibits eating bloods and fats, which is proven medically and scientifically. Bloods contains germs and plagues; the fats and cholesterols block the arteries and cause heart's dieses. What left from the law that the people are complaining about is the animals’ sacrifices. This law wasn’t abolished; Jesus replaced it through his death on the cross as a remission of our sins to obtain forgiveness. Where is the problem? As a Christian, don’t you claim Jesus’ death for your sins? I do, Obama doesn't because he obeys allah and the Quran. Muslims still killing animals to obtain forgiveness, the Jews also kill animals to obtain forgiveness. Christians claim Jesus' death on the cross instead a lamb for sins' offerings. We can't just listen to the false apostle Paul and to Barrack Hussein Obama that criticized the Torah and Jesus' gospel.

Obama mentioned about parents killing their son if gone astray from faith in the Torah. Moreover, Obama criticized Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and mocked the entire bible including Abraham.

BUT WHY Obama didn't criticized the Quran? Obama didn't criticize the quran because he is a sunni Muslim.



For more information about allah's word in the quran, refer to page "Islamic verses" & page "Islam & Bible" & page "islamic-madrassah-closed" & page "Crescent moon god" & page "Beast religious" & page "Terrorists children" & page "Worldwide terrorisms"



For more information, refer to page Ishmael and Isaac, and page "Crimes in the name of God"

To read religious verses about the above text, refer to page "Islamic and bible verses" and page "Alminia" in this site.


We are not surprise because there are many antichrists around. Obama's speech, Obama criticizing the bible, "False apostle Paul"


[Updated June 17 2014 ]




June 12, 2014 by www.cnn.com

Militants have taken over vast swaths in Iraq, putting troops on the defensive
While such movement has been fast, it's not totally surprising given Iraq's history
Some warned the U.S. military's withdrawal could open the way for violence
Syria's civil war bolstered ISIS, which is appealing to disenfranchised Sunnis in Iraq
(CNN) -- What's happening now in Iraq is dramatic, significant, quite possibly historic. But, to some, it is not surprising.
Militants believed to be from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, also known as ISIS, overmatched government forces and now control a vast swath of its territory. Hundreds of thousands have fled, becoming refugees overnight. Sectarian violence plagues some areas not under ISIS control. Militants believed to be from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, also known as ISIS, overmatched government forces and now control a vast swath of its territory. Hundreds of thousands have fled, becoming refugees overnight. Sectarian violence plagues some areas not under ISIS control.

The terrorists that establishing an Islamic state according to the sharia law of islam in Syria and in Iraq are killing and exiling women and children. After These terrorists have committed their crimes, they blame their crimes on the authorities.




Iraq crisis: ISIS advances on Baquba as U.S. moves firepower to region

Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) -- As Islamic militants continue their murderous advance across Iraq, they have a new target in their sights: the city of Baquba, less than 40 miles north of Baghdad.
Gun battles erupted in the city, only a 45-minute drive from the capital, on Tuesday as fighters and Iraqi government forces clashed.
Civilians are fleeing violence there and elsewhere in Iraq even as the United States bolsters its manpower in the region while it mulls what action to take.
According to a Baquba police official and an official in the Baquba governor's office, militants from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, have "made a great advance on Baquba" and are pushing very hard to take it, but the city has not fallen.
The Baquba officials told CNN that ISIS is moving in on the western side of Baquba and that villages just west of the city, as well as some areas in western Baquba, are under ISIS control.
Some families, mainly Shiite, are fleeing that side of the city, the officials said. They are moving deeper into Baquba or leaving the city altogether to escape the looming violence.
The ISIS push started late Monday with a large-scale attack on the Al Wahda police station on the western edge of Baquba.
Heavy clashes between Iraqi security forces and ISIS militants ensued, leaving at least one Iraqi security force member, nine militants and 44 prisoners dead, according to the Baquba officials. Iraqi state television reported that 52 prisoners were killed after ISIS militants threw hand grenades into the local prison.

Page's Update ends

For more updates, refer to page "Site's Update" or page "The End"

Click on this link to read what the CNN NEWS wrote in July 20 08 about Iran in the European Union.












Islam will dominate the world, president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said:

To watch local video, Click this link


The source of this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuslxJFpBuU


The word that the Iranian president Ahmadinejad said “to overcome the entire world and the highest mountains” is the same word that the king of Babylon had declared also in the book of Isaiah around 500 BC.

The passage reads: [I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north. 14 I will ascend above the height of the clouds; I will be like the most High, Isaiah 14: 13 to 14.

The Iranian president thinks he is God and he believes that in the name of Islam he is going to conquer the world. Not many moslems = (muslims) would agree with this evil plan. Babylon and many nations were overwhelmed by the Persian kingdom around 750 BC. We don’t know if the prophecy is fulfilled or the Persian “Iranian” president Ahmadinejad is trying to repeat history by establishing the Islamic state to unite all the Islamic nations under one kingdom, which is Iran. Syria is helping Persia = (Iran) to achieve it objectives hoping that Iran will give Syria part of this kingdom. In reality, Iran will never share its Islamic republic with any nation; Iran is united with Syria because they share the same ideology, they are muslim Shiites.

Ezekiel prophecy isn’t fulfilled yet because Tyre still exists and it is inhabited by the Iranians since 750 BC, and part of modern Iranians that immigrated before and during 1975 the Lebanese Civil war. God prophesied to Ezekiel about Tyre’s destruction. The passage reads: [17 And taking up a lamentation over thee, they shall sag to thee: How art thou fallen, that dwells in the sea, renowned city that was strong in the sea, with thy inhabitants whom all did dread? 18 Now shall the ships be astonished in the day of thy terror: and the islands in the sea shall be troubled because no one cometh out of thee. 19 For thus said the Lord God: When I shall make thee a desolate city like the cities that are not inhabited: and shall bring the deep upon thee, and many waters shall cover thee: 20 And when I shall bring thee down with those that descend into the pit to the everlasting people, and shall set thee in the lowest parts of the earth, as places desolate of old, with them that are brought down into the pit, that thou be not inhabited: and when I shall give glory in the land of the living, 21 I will bring thee to nothing, and thou shall not be, and if thou be sought for, thou shall not be found any more for ever, said the Lord God, Ezekiel 26:17 to 20.

The history is repeating its self. It is possible that the Iranians that are in Tyre Lebanon at the present time and in Iran are repeating this ancient history to make their king or president as God. I don't want to be so quick in my prediction about Iran because the muslim brotherhoods, Al qeada, Hamas of Palestine, and their men in the middle east, Africa, Asia, Europe, and in America are more powerful than Iran. History proves to us that Muslims are having huge religious war in the religion of Islam itself. The muslim sunnis are killing the muslim shiites in Iraq and around the world. this battle is dated since Mohamed's era till this day and will ever stop, therefore, Iran and Syria that share the same ideology will never unite with the muslim brotherhoods, Al qeada, and Hamas of Palestine.

Let us return to the subject: Is history repeating its self to make the Iranian president as God? The passage reads:  [1 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: 2 Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre: Thus said the Lord God: Because thy heart is lifted up, and thou hast said: I am God, I sit in the chair of God in the heart of the sea: whereas thou art a man, and not God: and hast set thy heart as if it were the heart of God. 3 Behold thou art wiser than Daniel: no secret is hid from thee. 4 In thy wisdom and thy understanding thou hast made thyself strong: and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures. 5 By the greatness of thy wisdom, and by thy traffic thou hast increased thy strength: and thy heart is lifted up with thy strength. 6 Therefore, thus said the Lord God: Because thy heart is lifted up as the heart of God: 7 Therefore behold, I will bring upon thee strangers the strongest of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy beauty. 8 They shall kill thee, and bring thee down: and thou shall die the death of them that are slain in the heart of the sea. 9 Wilt thou yet say before them that slay thee: I am God; whereas thou art a man, and not God, in the hand of them that slay thee? 10 Thou shall die the death of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers: for I have spoken it, said the Lord God, Ezekiel 28:1 to 10.


Ezekiel prophesied in the name of God about Tyre’s relation with ungodly nations as Meshech, which is Moscow, (and Tubal, which is Kabul in Afghanistan including Asia), and with (Cush-Ethiopia, which is Africa-Somalia), and the Libyans, which are the Arabs, Ezekiel 27:12 to 32.

The following prophecy indicates that the king of Tyre robbed Jerusalem’s treasures. The passage reads: [1 And it came to pass in the eleventh year, the first day of the month, that the word of the Lord came to me, saying: 2 Son of man, because Tyre hath said of Jerusalem: Aha, the gates of the people are broken, and all its treasures turned to me: I shall be filled, now she is laid waste. 3 Therefore thus said the Lord God: Behold I come against thee, O Tyre, and I will cause many nations to come up to thee, as the waves of the sea rise up, Ezekiel 26:1 to 3.] Whether this prophecy is fulfilled or not, the Iranians terrorists, which are the Islamic fighters of (Hezb – ollah) in Lebanon already attacked Jerusalem (Israel) in July 2006, and are going to attack it again till they remove it off the map.   

The following text explains that the king of Tyre was the guardian angel of the Garden of Eden before he failed and was throwing out of God’s holy mountains. The passage in “Ezekiel 27:8 to 10” confirms that the Persians = (Iranians) came to Tyre in Lebanon around 750 BC to help the king of Tyre temporary, not to refuge in it for eternity and to create conflicts and to destroy the country. Today, those people with the help of Iran and Syria want to overcome Lebanon and the entire world. 

How the Persians = (Iranians) had arrived to Tyre in Lebanon? For more information, refer to page "Crescent" and page "Devil".
















The above picture on the right, Feb 3 2003, "Sheik Ba-k -r Al - Sama - rai" holding a sword in the mosque to cut the Jews' heads. Published by Iraq TV and by YouTube.com

The above picture on the left, chief terrorists "Ab -ou Ham -za  Al mas -ri" said: [the Islamic rules "jihad" you can sale or kill non-moslem = (non-muslim) in your territories, he a cow.]



To watch local video click on this link: CUT the "Jews' heads"

To Watch local video click on this link: "Non-moslem = (non-muslim) is like a cow"



You may log to "Sheik Ba-k -r" original source also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LjDvCHZJ68

You may log to "Ab -ou Ham -za" original source also





The book of John mentions about certain group or a religion that is killing people to please God. Who are they?


The quran commands the believers in Allah to kill those that don't believe in allah Quran (sourat altawba 9:5) and Quran (sourat altawba 9:29), it means the believers are judging sinners instead of God. And if the believers kill sinners in the name of Allah, the believers that killed sinners become sinners also because they killed people. God judges sinners; it is NOT your job to judge people. We all sinned and we are not perfect. The judge has to be perfect without sin, God is sinless and perfect. Are you perfect and without sin??


Allah's word in the Islamic Quran says: [O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely allah does not guide the unjust people. Islamic Quran (sourat almaida 5:51)

Example from the Quran of Islam: Allah says in Quran: And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of allah; and the [nasara] Christians say: The Messiah is the son of allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may allah destroy them; how they are turned away!] sourat altawba 9:29 to 33

Therefore, Jesus did issue a prophecy about persecuting Christians. He said that these people are doing a favor to God by killing you. Jesus didn't say Muslims because Islam didn't exist during Jesus' era. But Jesus said: those that deny the father and the son will kill Christians. The quran denies God as the Father of Jesus or the Father of the Christians. Should we consider Islam is the religion that Jesus spoke of????








Jesus said: 1 These things have I spoken to you, that you may not be scandalized. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever kills you, will think that he does a service to God. 3 And these things will they do to you; because they have not known the Father, nor me. 4 But these things I have told you, that when the hour shall come, you may remember that I told you of them. John 16:1 to 3

Moslems = (Muslims) refuse to name God "Father" and Jesus His Son. In John 16:3, Jesus names God "Father" and His Son Jesus.

For example: the biblical passage reads: [Who is a liar, but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist, who denies the Father, and the Son. 23 Whosoever denies the Son, the same hath not the Father. He that confesses the Son, hath the Father also]. Bible First John 2:22 to 23

Let's watch these videos, I could be wrong.

Note: the following videos indicate that the Christians are "Kafer" = [kufar]. The meaning of the word kafer or "Kifar" “Kefir” in this video means "blasphemers" or "infidels". These people came to live in the west to kill non-Muslims. They are saying it out loud. It doesn't make any sense. These people have to be arrested immediately, and deported if necessary. I don’t know what our authorities are waiting for? How the western authorities give a permit to a cult to operate as a religion on western soils that is using a violent book that contain passages that command Muslims to kill non-Muslims worldwide, specifically, Jews and Christians.

 For more information about these passages, refer to page, "Sharia law of Islam", page "Islamic verses", and page "Islam & the Bible".


The problem is that when people immigrated in the west bore children through four marriages [polygamy] according to Sunni Muslim religion. But according to Shiite Muslim religion, Muslims are permitted to marry four women and moreover, they are permitted to have sex with other women through a temporary marriages that could last few hours or few days, just by a written statement between the man and the woman; there is no need for witnesses or a judge or a religious leader. This type of abnormality makes them enormous population that is hard to control by the authorities. The parents and their children are against western people, western culture, and western educations. This enormous uncontrolled people in the west earn moneys through many types of jobs and parts of those jobs are illegal. Most of these earnings [moneys] are contributed to support terrorists. Some parents and children are participating in terrorisms secretly also, which make hard to control because these terrorists are dressed as civilians, they don't have soldiers' uniforms. Moreover, the profits that the Muslim countries collect from selling oils to the west are contributed to support terrorisms also.

To stop terrorisms, the west must eradicate its dependencies on oils from Islamic countries; they must replace it by other energy as hydrogen, which comes from waters. This dependency will eliminate dealing with Islamic countries that support terrorists, which reduce their financial needs to support terrorists' activities. Moreover, the freedom of religion for violent religions must stop as well.

Is it dangerous to permit muslims to build mosques in the west?

Yes, it is dangerous because muslims are using a violet book that is called quran that contain passages to kill non-muslims and to encourage [jihad] = religious war to conquer the world. Jihad is based on sharia law of islam that is mentioned in quran and the Islamic books of Hadith.

To accept the sharia law of Islam in the west, it means the west has to validate the passage in the koran = (quran) (9:29), which commands to kill whosoever doesn't believe in allah and his prophet. It means death to Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, etc... It means the Islamic police with the Islamic religious would come to your home and converts you to Islam by force; if you refuse, they cut your head OFF. It is not about fasting Ramadan, it is about killing you if you don't deny your faith and convert to Islam.


















The above picture shows Muslim man breaking and removing the cross from the roof of a church. Later, the Muslims burnt the entire church.



Watch local video about terrorists burning / destroying Christian churches in Bosnia, Serbia, and in Baghdad


To Watch local video click on this link: "Christians are infidels = (kafer) = (kufar) in the Quran & in Islam"


The source of the above video is from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4EpCwhgOCE&feature=related



In According to accept the sharia law of Islam and of the quran in the west, the western authorities must validate and respect the passages or at least one passage in quran (9:29).

Another passage in the quran commands to kill non-muslims also:

allah says: [So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters anywhere you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely allah is Forgiving, Merciful, (koran = (quran) of Islam (sourat altawba 9:5), (sourat altawba 9:29)]


This passage commands to kill whosoever doesn't believe in allah and his prophet Mohammed. It means death to Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, etc... It means, at the moment the western countries accept sharia law of Islam in the west, YOUR police with a muslim religious leader as [imam] would come to your home and ask you to go to the mosque to pray on Friday and to convert to Islam. Those that refuse to convert will be killed according to Quran 9:29 and Quran 9:5.


I always wanted to question our authority and the authorities of many nations that accepted the Muslims to immigrate in their countries and gave them permits to build mosques and to practice their religion without checking and reading their religious book if it contains any violence passages against humanity. hhh





Is Allah God? Is Islam a sister faith to Christianity? Why Islam doesn't teach the same doctrines as Christianity?





Whosoever denies Jesus is the Son of God is the antichrist. Bible First John 2:22 to 23

Pastor John Hagee in the United States of America spoke about Islam as the antichrist. Pastor John Hagee quoted passages from the bible concerning the antichrist.

For example: the biblical passage reads: [Who is a liar, but he who denies that Jesus = (Yeshua) is the Christ = (Mashiach) = (Messiah)? This is Antichrist, who denieth the Father, and the Son. 23 Whosoever denies the Son, the same hath not the Father. He that confesses the Son, hath the Father also]. Bible First John 2:22 to 23

Actually, the quran denies God as the father of Jesus, and denies Jesus as the son of God.

VIDEOS about islam and Christianity, God and allah

Local videos aren't available, you have to link to its original sources.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qufxt2VwLyI&feature=related   John Hagee "who is allah part 1"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiwRSntuuhg&feature=relmfu   John Hagee "who is allah part 2"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKaMDnzpsqI&feature=relmfu  John Hagee "who is allah part 3"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Taex2ReBeKk&feature=relmfu  John Hagee "who is allah part 4"

Are we in the World War III ? YES we are, read why.

Stepping on the American flag in New York, shouting to conquer the world and to convert all the religions of this world to their idiology. Watch the mark on his right arm in the picture below. The mark says in Arabic [no God but allah mohamed is the messenger of allah].




Actually the meaning of this word is to deny God and to believe in Allah only and his messenger Mohamed.

The above picture indicates the word in Arabic.









Christian girl is forced to convert to islam in Zunzibar Tanzania


Video: Click this link to watch video:

"Christian girl is forced to convert to islam in Zunzibar Tanzania"


The source of the above video is from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9TZn1g2c-k&feature=channel 















The Iranian Hezbollah and the Iranian president are WISHING DEATH to America, Israel, and England? 


To Watch local video, click on this link: "Hezbollah and Iranian president"


The Iranian president named them the devil. He is probably describing himself.



For more information, refer to page "Islamic and bible verses" page "Sharia law of Islam" and page terrorists "Women and Children terrorists to kill".

Click on this link to read what the CNN NEWS wrote in July 20 08 about Iran in the European Union.


Note about the Arabs, Iran and the Islamic republic = Islamic revolution of Iran

The Arabs invaded Spain = (Al An-delus) in the fifteenth century for one hundred and fifty years, do we name Spain Arabia? No, we don't. However, the moslems = (muslims) fighters of (Hezb – ollah), which is the Iranians forces in Lebanon, Africa, Middle East, and in Asia are terrorizing the world and are seeking to reinvade Spain = (Al An-delus) in the twentieth first century.

The (Hezb -ollah) Iranian terrorists, "which is Iran" are paying trillions of dollars to the moslems = (muslims) around the world to terrorize, demonstrate, vandalize, and to descend any government that disagree with Iran and the muslims. These terrorists are complaining about Israel attacking Palestine; however, this is not the cause. These terrorists should be facing Israel in the Middle East "if they could" instead terrorizing the west cowardly. Placing explosives in residential areas is not fighting and it is not a war, it is crime against humanity and transgressing God's commandments. These cowered are not capable to face Israel, therefore, they are terrorizing innocent people in democratic countries. Democracy permits these criminals to protest on streets and to have lawyers to defend them in courts for their crimes. In reality, these criminals must be judged according to martial law. The freedom of speech and the freedom of religion for these criminals should be banned because they are taking advantages of these freedoms to kill innocents. The main reason for these terrorisms around the world is to islamize the world according to mohamed's commandments in the koran.

It means the cause of the global terrorisms is the commandments that are in the koran = (quran), not Palestine and Israel.

Iran [shiites] is using these passages to persuade the moslems = (muslims) worldwide to kill non-moslems = (muslims) and even sunni muslims to control the world.

If Israel withdraws from Palestine and Israel is vanished off the map, the muslims wouldn't stop terrorizing the world. The terrorists’ goals are to islamize the world, NOT to establish Palestine.

But would Iran remain faithful to Russia if they ever succeed?

allah say in the koran: [fight those who do not believe in allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what allah and his apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax [jizyah] in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection. (sourat altawba 9:28 to 29)

Quran commands to kill the unbelievers, Allah says: [slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, [Jizyah] leave their way free to them; surely allah is Forgiving, Merciful] Quran (sourat altawba 9:5)


For more information about terrorisms, refer to page "Islamic and bible verses"  page  "Sharia law of Islam"  page  "Women and children terrorists to kill"   and   "Read more about this islamic sharia law"  page "Crescent"


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Take note that we have no relations with the following texts and addresses.

2 - Turks slaughtered three Christians: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Eleven suspects in the slayings of three Christians at a publishing house in eastern Turkey were charged with murder Sunday, court officials said. The three victims -- one German and two Turkish men -- were tied up and had their throats slit on Wednesday at a publishing house in the town of Malatya that was at the center of protests by some nationalists because it distributed Bibles.

POSTED: 10:50 a.m. EDT, April 22, 2007

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Take note that we have no relations with the following links, addresses, and texts.

3 - Jihad:  This site explains about Jihad. http://www.dhushara.com/book/genesis/3in1/anchor813661

It reads:

Jihad-Sakina is more than a movie, it is a state of mind transgressing all boundaries between the inside and outside of belief in finding the missing peace complementing (Jih - ad) of Islam and reflowering the Tree of Life in the sacred union in Jerusalem. A video MTV apocalypse set to the events of the WTC which goes to the source of act in Islam. The sequence of musical videos and short documentary clips evolves into an account of the unrest in Israel/Palestine, our millennium reflowering on the Mount of Olives and completes with a multi-source account of the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004. DVD Mpeg2 (PAL-compatible).

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Take note that we have no relations with the following links, addresses, and texts.

The following texts and images were announced on Al - jezera International English News on April 14/2007


4 - Al- jihad is to kill the Christians, the Jews, and whosoever doesn't surrender to the religion of Islam

During a debate on Al - jezera television station about the explosions that happened in Morocco this week by terrorisms. A Moroccan  citizen make a telephone call the Al - jezera's television station on April 14/2007 at 6: 25 PM eastern time, to comment on this incident on the air, he said: [Al-jihad is to destroy the Crusaders, the Jews, and whosoever doesn't believe in Islam, and the enemies of Islam.] Comment ends.

[The Arabs name the crusaders "Salibian" which refers to the cross of Christ. The "cross" in Arabic language is "salib" therefore, the Arabs name the crusaders "Salibian" or "Salibieen" because the crusades use the cross sign on their uniforms. The Arabs consider the crusades Christians and the enemies of Islam. It is true that the European Crusades battled against the moslems = (muslims) in the Middle East to liberate the holy Land Jerusalem from the Islamic invasions in the eleventh century.]

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4:A - - Fifty bodies found burned in church northwest of Nairobi during Kenya election

What the CNN News wrote about the Church's massacre

Take note that we have no relation with the following information. the following text and pictures are copies from the following address. CNN News










Story Highlights January 1 2008

NEW: AP: At least 50 bodies found burned in church northwest of Nairobi

International observers have called into question Kenyan election results

At least 124 people reported dead after violence following the election

The vote was marred by allegations of vote-rigging by both of the main parties

A looter carries clothes he stole past a burning shack in the Kibera slum of Nairobi.

More than 120 killed in Kenya election violence
Story Highlights
At least 124 people reported dead after violence following Kenya's election
The election was marred by allegations of vote-rigging by both of the main parties
Incumbent President Mwai Kibaki was controversially returned to power
Police officers threatened to shoot to kill curfew-breakers

NAIROBI, Kenya (CNN) -- One of the most stable nations in East Africa descended further into chaos Monday after a disputed election triggered violence that has killed at least 124 people.

The deaths in Kenya came as opposition supporters fought with police firing tear gas and live ammunition.

They were protesting the government's announcement Sunday that voters had re-elected President Mwai Kibaki with 51.3 percent of the vote, compared with 48.7 percent for Raila Odinga, the opposition leader.

International election monitors have alleged voting irregularities.

State television reported at least 124 have been killed in post-election violence, including people who died from gunshot and machete wounds.

The violence is rare for Kenya, an island of stability that has enjoyed relative calm even as war and chronic political violence wracked neighboring countries, like Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda.

The United States is withholding congratulations for Kibaki, citing concerns of voting problems, even though Kibaki has claimed victory.

The opposition Orange Democratic Movement has scheduled rallies for Tuesday, raising fears of more violence.

"The Kenyan people are right now in a state of mourning," Odinga told CNN. "They are mourning the loss of democracy."

Kibaki appealed for calm.

"With the general election now behind us, it is now time for healing and reconciliation among all Kenyans," he said.

The violence took on ethnic overtones in some places, with reports of violence between members of the candidates' tribes.

Kibaki is a member of the largest tribe in Kenya, the Kikuyu, who comprise roughly 22 percent of the country's population. Odinga belongs to the Luo tribe, which makes up about 13 percent of population.

Witnesses told CNN Monday that they had seen widespread violence in the Nairobi slum of Kibera as angry Odinga supporters set fire to buildings. Police attempted to hold them back with tear gas and water cannon, witnesses said.

Local media reported a number of deaths as a result of the rioting, as well as reports of police brutality, although CNN has been unable to confirm this independently.

In the western port city of Kisumu -- the capital of Odinga's home province -- at least 19 people were shot dead by police, according to the Kenyan newspaper the Daily Nation.

Other media reports put the figure much higher, claiming up to 50 were killed there overnight.

In Nairobi, small bands of Odinga supporters were stopped from making their way to a rally in Uhuru Park -- a traditional site for political demonstrations in the center of the city. The rally was called by Odinga, who accused Kibaki of "doctoring" the vote.

Businesses in Nairobi were shut down and a government ban on live television broadcasts imposed Sunday was still in place as Kibaki struggled to cope with the fallout from the vote.

Hospitals in Kisumu said a number of people had been admitted overnight with gunshot wounds.

A Dr. Mawji at the Agha Khan hospital said the medical staff had treated seven men for gunshot injuries, one of who is in critical condition.

"I've been around town today and the atmosphere is calm and quiet but we have operated on a number of casualties," Mawji told CNN by phone.

A member of staff in the Imperial hotel in Kisumu told CNN by telephone that a curfew was in force on the streets.

The woman, who did not want to be named, said the city center was deserted except for armed police patrols.

She said she and other hotel staff had been forced to sleep in the hotel overnight after police threatened to shoot on sight anyone who breached the curfew.

"I have not been home to my family. We do not know what is happening," she told CNN.

The most closely fought election in Kenya's history threatened to unravel Sunday as opposition officials shouted down the electoral commission chairman as he tried to announce the result.

The official count put Kibaki narrowly ahead of Odinga of the opposition Orange Democratic Movement -- 4,584,721 votes to 4,352,993.

Sunday's result was immediately called into question, with election observers from the European Union saying they had doubts about the legitimacy of the count.

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said in a statement Sunday that Britain had "real concerns at the irregularities reported by the EU observers and others."

One international observer, who did not wish to be identified, told CNN that the vote count was "clearly cooked."

Analysts said, however, that it was probable that both of the main parties had been involved in electoral fraud.

Thomas Cargill, a specialist on African politics at the British think tank Chatham House, said it was difficult to imagine Odinga giving up his claims for the presidency without a fight.

"It is very worrying," Cargill told CNN.

Kibaki was sworn in Sunday in a ceremony at the presidential palace.

His slim margin of victory is a marked difference from his win five years ago in a landslide election. He had run on promises to fight corruption.

Since then, he has seen his authority erode amid a number of high-profile corruption scandals in his government.

He faced a serious challenge from Odinga, a flamboyant politician who had won support from rural and urban voters after promising to share the wealth among all the people.

CNN's Kim Norgaard in Nairobi contributed to this report.

Copyright 2007 CNN. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Associated Press contributed to this report.

All About mwai Kibaki in Kenya 










The above picture is from Al - jezera Arabic News.  http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/708A6D04-4B8F-4040-8737-7004CF74B7CE.htm

During this battle, people robbed, killed, and revenged.

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4:B - Al Taliban is menacing the world, President of USA, Butto, and president of Pakistan


Sorry, the article is deleted.

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4:C - Buttho assassination in Pakistan    [terrorists killed his mother]


What the Time.com wrote about Bin-azir Butto’s assassination?

Take note that we have no relation with the author of this text.  The source of the following text is from this address. http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1698562,00.html















U.S. President George W. Bush speaks about the death of Pakistani opposition leader Bin-azir Butto at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, December 27, 2007.

The weeks to come will determine just how severe a blow Bin-azir Butto's death is to Pakistan, but debate over Washington's role in the run up to this tragic day will continue well beyond that. Even as the smoke still lingered in Rawalpindi, President Bush demanded that those responsible for Butto's death be caught and punished. "The United States strongly condemns this cowardly act by murderous extremists who are trying to undermine Pakistan's democracy," Bush told reporters in Crawford, Texas, where he had arrived Wednesday to begin a long New Year's holiday. "Those who committed this crime must be brought to justice."

But there are some who think the Bush Administration is not without blame. Hussain Haqqani, a former top aide to Butto and now a professor at Boston University, thinks the U.S., which has counted Pakistani President Pervez Msharaf as a key ally against terrorism since 9/11, bears some of the responsibility. "Washington will have to answer a lot of questions, especially the Administration," he says. "People like me have been making specific requests to American officials to intervene and ask for particular security arrangements be made for her, and they have been constantly just trusting the Msharaf Administration." U.S. officials said they were leery of intervening in another nation's internal affairs, and didn't want to give Butto Washington's imprimatur.
Haqqani is not shy about pointing fingers. He blames Msharaf himself, above all, for Butto's death. "It's quite clear that Msharaf does not want an election — you can quote me — he is the one who has constantly wanted anybody who can threaten him or his power, out." Haqqani told Congress in October that U.S. aid for Pakistan has for too long been tilted toward the Pakistani military. "Since 1954 almost $21 billion had been given to Pakistan in aid," he told the House Armed Services Committee. "Of this, $17.7 billion were given under military rule, and only $3.4 billion was given to Pakistan and the civilian government."
It is Msharaf's iron grip on power that has made Washington's own policy toward Pakistan such a target of criticism. While Washington has publicly extolled the virtues of democracy and hoped that Butto's return to Pakistan in October would usher in a power-sharing deal with Msharaf, it was also clearly nervous about the instability if the country's strong man were to lose power entirely. Pakistan — the world's second-most-populous Muslim nation, with elements of Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda) and the Taliban controlling lawless mountainous pockets in the northwest — is also the only Islamic state with a nuclear arsenal. And though Washington publicly says Pakistan's nuclear weapons are safe, there are always private concerns about their security, concerns that will only heighten in the wake of Butto's assassination.
The U.S. has few options in Pakistan. One thing is clear, says Peter Galbraith, senior fellow at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation: It is "not a good idea to have 70 nuclear weapons in the hands of a country that is falling apart." Some observers believe that U.S. policy in Pakistan has favored personalities over principles. "We have a bad habit of always personalizing our foreign policy," says P.J. Crowley, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. "We've done it with Msharaf, and we did it with respect to Butto. We are very good at providing technical support to the Pakistani army. We are not good at building indigenous or effective local political processes or strong institutions of government." Given the realities on the ground, the U.S. is likely to continue to throw its support behind Msharaf. "In terms of political leadership, Pakistan does not have a deep bench," says Crowley.
Some will say Butto had a death wish; one U.S. official even termed her presence at large-scale campaign rallies "foolhardy", given the Karachi suicide bombing that killed more than 140 people on October 18, the day she returned from exile. She returned to Pakistan and faced a range of powerful anti-democratic enemies, including both religious extremists like Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda) and corrupt branches of the Pakistani military and intelligence services. "When you have the criminal and corrupt in the same camp it makes for dangerous bedfellows," says Arsalan Iftikhar, contributing editor to Islamica magazine. "In a sense Bin-azir knew she was on a martyrdom mission. She was willing to give up her life for democracy."
Senator Joseph Biden, the Delaware Democratic and presidential candidate, echoed Haqqani's view that Msharaf, at a minimum, didn't provide Butto with adequate security. In fact, he twice urged the Pakistani President to bolster Butto's protection. "The failure to protect Ms. Butto raises a lot of hard questions for the government and security services that must be answered," said Biden, who is also chairman of the foreign relations committee. "The U.S. should offer any assistance necessary, including investigative teams, to get to the bottom of this horror."
Still, the former top U.S. military commander in that part of the world said it's wrong to blame Msharaf, or the U.S. "I think it is Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda) — they're the only ones who gain from this," says Anthony Zinni, a retired four-star Marine general who served as chief of the U.S. Central Command — responsible for Pakistan — from 1997 to 2000. Zinni rattled off reasons for Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda)'s wanting Butto dead, including her commitment to democracy, her secular views, the blowback it will create for Msharaf, and her gender. Beyond that, Zinni says Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda) — making marginal progress in Afghanistan, backsliding in Iraq, and rebuffed in Somalia — is looking for a new battlefield. "I really think they're trying to ignite Pakistan into the kind of chaos they need to survive," Zinni says, "and create a fundamentalist, even radical, Islamic government." "This is one of the worst things that could happen to Msharaf," he continues. "In part, because he'll be accused of doing it."
Zinni also disputes the idea that Washington could have done anything to prevent the assassination. "You want Blackwater out there providing security for her?" he asked, referring to the controversial U.S. private-security firm implicated in the deaths of many Iraqi civilians. "The losing of Pakistan — to whatever degree we've lost it, and I wouldn't write it off yet — goes back to after the first Afghan war," Zinni says, when Washington neglected the Afghan-Pakistan border roiling with insurgents. "We put them in a bad situation that we helped create," Zinni says. "I'm no fan of this Administration, but you can't criticize this Administration for what they inherited."

The above text was published on the Internet by this address: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1698562,00.html


What the CNN news wrote about Bin-azir Butto’s assassination













December 27 2008, how did Pakistan's Butto die?

Latest explanation: Bin-azir Butto died from skull fracture by hitting head in vehicle Pakistan Interior Ministry earlier said Butto died from shrapnel from suicide bomb Earlier ministry report said ex-prime minister died from bullet wound Analyst: Butto's enemies are trying to deny her a martyr's death
Bin-azir Butto died Thursday after a suicide bombing at a political rally in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Butto's political party disputed official versions of the incident, accusing the government of lying. Video footage of Thursday's attack on Butto contains a murky shot of a hand firing a pistol three times, but the Pakistani government said Butto -- who was standing through her vehicle's sunroof -- was not hit.
The latest explanation Friday by Pakistan's Interior Ministry said Butto, 54, died from a fractured skull after hitting her head on a piece of the vehicle.
Immediately following the gunfire, a suicide bomber ignited explosives near Butto's motorcade. Watch the video »
An Interior Ministry spokesman, Brig. Javed Iqbal Cheema, said Butto "fell down or perhaps ducked" and apparently hit her head on a lever connected to the car's sunroof. Cheema added that the lever was stained with blood.
Cheema's version of events conflicts with that of the government-run news agency Associated Press of Pakistan, which at first quoted the Interior Ministry as saying shrapnel from the bomb blast killed Butto. The suicide bomb killed more than 20 others, and at least 100 were wounded.
On Thursday, an initial report from the Interior Ministry said Butto died of a gunshot wound to the neck.














Butto's death did not result from a bullet or shrapnel, Cheema said, and nothing entered her head. Watch Cheema discuss Butto's killing »
Dr. Mussadiq Khan of Rawalpindi General Hospital, who treated Butto before she was declared dead, said she had "a big wound" on the side of her head "that usually occurs when something big, with a lot of speed, hits that area."
By the time Butto was brought to the hospital Thursday, she "was not breathing, she did not have a pulse," Khan said, and her eyes were not responding to light. Doctors tried unsuccessfully to revive her by cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he said.
At a news conference, Cheema showed the video of Butto in the vehicle, standing up in the sunroof and looking out at the surrounding crowd.
Farzana Raja of Butto's Pakistan People's Party said the government's explanation is "a pack of lies," and she offered another explanation. "It was a sniper shooting," she said, also accusing the government of a "total security lapse."
CNN national security analyst Ken Robinson, who worked in U.S. intelligence in Pakistan during the Clinton administration, said he suspects Butto's enemies are attempting to control her legacy by minimizing the attack's role in her demise.
"They're trying to deny her a martyr's death, and in Islam, that's pretty important," Robinson said.
Butto, he said, threatens to become more influential in death than she was in life. "Her torch burns bright now forever. She's forever young; she's forever brave, challenging against all odds the party in power and challenging the military and Islamic extremism."
Only if Butto's family allows an autopsy, said Robinson, will the world know for certain the medical reasons behind her death. The Associated Press, quoting Cabinet sources, said Butto's husband, Asif Ali Zardari, refused to permit an autopsy before she was laid to rest Friday.
The Pakistani government pointed to Baitullah Mehsud, a tribal leader from southern Pakistan known to have ties to Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda), as a prime suspect.
One senior U.S. official told CNN there is information "... that leads us to believe he [Mehsud] is the guy responsible."
The official said Mehsud "had been trying to get Butto for some time" and described him as "one of the big players."
The Pakistani Interior Ministry also said it had "intelligence intercepts" indicating Mehsud was behind Butto's assassination.
There have been no claims of responsibility for Butto's death on radical Islamist Web sites that regularly post such messages from Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda) and other militant groups.
Hundreds of thousands of people jammed streets Friday surrounding Butto's funeral procession in Garhi-Khuda Baksh. Violence after the attack has left at least nine people reported killed and banks, train stations and cars torched.
Butto led Pakistan from 1988 to 1990 and from 1993 to 1996, but both times, the sitting president dismissed her amid corruption allegations. See a timeline leading up to Butto's assassination »

She was the first female prime minister of any Islamic nation.
A terrorist attack targeted her motorcade in Karachi in October on the day she returned to Pakistan after eight years of self-imposed exile. Butto told Al-Jazeera television she believed Mehsud may have been involved in that attempt on her life, which killed 136 people.








The above text and images about Butto were published on the Internet by the CNN new on December 28 2007

In 1997, Butto married Asif Ali Zardari, a member of the National Assembly. He would serve as Environment Minister during Butto's second premiership.

U.S. Ally
Butto has often received the support of America and its leaders. In 1989, she was a guest at the White House of the first President Bush.

History Repeats Itself
In 2007, Butto was once again allowed to return from exile. During a rally against in Karachi in October, she narrowly escaped an assassin's bomb.

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4:d Arabs protest Bush's visit to the Middle East. They named Bush

 "children killer"

Take note that we have no relation with the following text and pictures. The following links and text are copies from CNN


What the CNN news wrote about Bush visit.

January 6 2008.

http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/01/13/bush.mideast.ap/index.html?iref=topnews ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- President Bush said Sunday that Iran is threatening the security of the world, and that the United States and Arab allies must join together to confront the danger "before it's too late


President Bush delivers speech critical of Iran on Sunday in Abu Dhabi.


Bush: Iran threatens world security

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- President Bush said Sunday that Iran is threatening the security of the world, and that the United States and Arab allies must join together to confront the danger "before it's too late

President Bush delivers speech critical of Iran on Sunday in Abu Dhabi.

Bush said Iran funds terrorist extremists, undermines peace in Lebanon, sends arms to the Taliban, seeks to intimidate its neighbors with alarming rhetoric, defies the United Nations and destabilizes the entire region by refusing to be open about its nuclear program.

"Iran is the world's leading state sponsor of terror," Bush said in a speech he delivered about mid-way through his eight-day Mideast trip that began with a renewed push for an Israeli-Palestinian peace pact -- an accord he said whose "time has come."

Chiding U.S. allies who have withheld civil liberties, Bush said governments will never build trust by harassing or imprisoning candidates and protesters. But his rebuke was general, and he did not single out any U.S. partner in the region for oppressive practices.

"You cannot expect people to believe in the promise of a better future when they are jailed for peacefully petitioning their government," Bush said. "And you cannot stand up a modern, confident nation when you do not allow people to voice their legitimate criticisms." Watch excerpts from Bush speech Video

Bush gave the speech on democracy in one of the few countries in the region -- the Emirates -- where democracy has not been a vital issue, but virtually ignored. In other countries in the region, especially Egypt, the fight between democracy activists and autocratic governments has been much more pointed and controversial.

He called on the Palestinians to reject extremists, although he did not mention the Islamic radical group (Ha - mas), which has gained control of Gaza. And he said the Iranian government in Tehran should make itself accountable to its people.

"Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere," Bush said. "So the United States is strengthening our long-standing security commitments with our friends in the Gulf, and rallying friends around the world to confront this danger before it is too late."

Bush spoke at the Emirates Palace, at an opulent, gold-trimmed hotel where a suite goes for $2,450 a night. Built at a cost of $3 billion, the hotel is a kilometer long from end to end and has a 1.3 kilometer white sand beach -- every grain of it imported from Algeria, according to Steven Pike, a spokesman at the U.S. Embassy here. Half the audience was dressed in western attire and the other half in Arabic clothes -- white robes and headdresses for men and black abayas, many with jeweled edges, for women.

Bush said advancing democracy and freedom is the core of his administration's foreign policy and critical to U.S. security.

"The United States has no desire for territory. We seek our shared security in your liberty. We believe that stability can only come through a free and just Middle East where the extremists are marginalized," the president said.

He noted democratic reform in Iraq. "You have made your choice for democracy and have stood firm," Bush said, speaking to the Iraqi people. "The terrorists and extremists cannot prevail." VideoWatch report on the state of democracy in the United Arab Emirates. »

Making an equally direct appeal to the Palestinians, Bush said "The dignity and sovereignty that is your right is within your reach."

In renewing his "Freedom Agenda" -- Bush's grand ambition to seed democracy around the globe -- he declared that "democracy is the only form of government that treats individuals with the dignity and equality that is their right."

"We know from experience that democracy is the only system of government that yields lasting peace and stability," he added.

Yet he was speaking about democracy in a deeply undemocratic country, the Emirates, where an elite of royal rulers makes virtually all the decisions. Large numbers of foreign resident workers have few legal or human rights, including no right to citizenship and no right to protest working conditions.

Some human rights groups have accused the Emirates of tolerating virtual indentured servitude, where workers from poor countries like Sri Lanka are forced to work to pay off debts to employers, and have their passports seized so they can't leave.

Officials in Abu Dhabi and the neighboring emirate of Dubai have said they are taking slow and gradual steps toward reform, both democratic and in labor rights.

In the country's first-ever elections in late 2006, the government hand-picked a group of voters to cast ballots to choose members of a government advisory panel.

But there is little clamor for elections in a wealthy country whose citizens are a privileged minority with access to free housing and lucrative government jobs. Many here say the galloping economy is evidence the government has done a good job.

Earlier Sunday in Bahrain, U.S. Vice Adm. Kevin Cosgriff, commander of the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet, which patrols the Gulf, told Bush that he took it "deadly seriously" when an Iranian fleet of high-speed boats on January 6 charged at and threatened to blow up a three-ship U.S. Navy convoy passing near Iranian waters. The Iranian naval forces vanished as the American ship commanders were preparing to open fire.

Bush spoke with Cosgriff after he had a breakfast of pancakes and bacon with troops of the U.S. 5th Fleet based in Bahrain.

In visits over three days in Kuwait, Bahrain and Abu Dhabi, Bush also was urging continued and visible Arab support for fragile peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Arab backing, and probably funding, is considered essential to make any agreement stick. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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4:E - Russia threats the world by its nuclear weapons

Take note that we have no relation with the following text. The source of the following text and pictures are a from Al - jezera Arabic news. January 12 2008

    The article is deleted

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5 - American violate Iranian: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) USA aircrafts violate Iranian airspace. 4/2/2007 5:50:00 PM GMT

6 - America underground war on Iran: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Recent media reports in the U.S. and UK suggested that the CIA has been authorized to take covert action against (Hezb – ollah), as part of wider plan by the Bush administration to crush the Lebanese resistance group. 4/19/2007 8:00:00 PM

7 - Lebanon and Hariri: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) The United Nations intensified efforts to break an impasse over an international tribunal to try suspects in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri. 4/14/2007 8:00:00 AM GMT

8 - Australia in Afghanistan: Australia double its troop numbers in Afghanistan by next year amid warnings that Taliban fighters will step up their attacks in the coming months. 4/10/2007 3:00:00 PM GMT


9 - Iran dishonors black people

On Marsh 28/2007, around 9:Pm eastern time; the Iranian governor "Alhashemy" announce on Al - jezera Arabic international television worldwide: [Iran protest the movie "Iran's UN mission", which destroys the history and the culture of the Iranians. The movie shows the Iranians are form black people "race", "WE ARE NOT BLACK" and we are not killers as the movies shows, said the Iranian governor "Alhashemy".]

My comment: I don't agree with Alhashemy, he disgraced the black people by giving two excuses, the first "the Iranians are not killers” and the second: "the Iranians are not black". How could he disgrace the black people that are seventy percent of the Islamic Arabic, African, and Asian populations. I don't know about the Persian Iranians' skins color. It is a crime and racism; I didn't hear any complains from the black people around the world yet. IF a Christian person as the Pope or the American president, or the prime minister of England issued such statement, the black community worldwide would protest it and will destroy America and many nations in this world. However, such disgrace was accepted because the person that said it is moslem = (muslim) and from terrorist country.

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10 - Iran’s uranium enrichment enters "industrial level" 4/9/2007 1:00:00 PM GMT Iran's uranium:

11 - Iran's nuclear atomic bomb: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Iran said on Sunday that it will issue tenders in the next few days for two new nuclear power stations, despite growing international pressure over its atomic program. 4/15/2007 1:00:00 PM GMT

12 - Iranian plan convinces Saudi Arabia for peace between sene = (sunnis) and shae = (shiites) moslems = (muslims): (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Leaders of Iran and Saudi Arabia have agreed to fight the spread of sectarian strife between moslem = (muslim) senes = (sunnis) and Shaes = (shiites) in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East. Update SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007

13 - Iran underground nuclear plan (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Iran started producing nuclear fuel in its underground uranium enrichment plant at Natanz, the International Atomic Energy Agency  (IAEA) said. 4/19/2007 12:00:00 PM GMT

13:1 - Iran atomic bomb is near (visit Terrorism's page to read more). Iran's nuclear work is almost at its "peak", President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday while the head of the U.N.'s atomic watchdog said Iran was probably at least three years from making a nuclear bomb if it so chooses.


13:2 - Raped girls lose their heads in Iran also:










Take note that we have no relation with the following address and this picture.

Source is from http://dyn.politico.com/members/forums/thread.cfm?catid=1&subcatid=2&threadid=623140

This girl was heeded in Iran because she was raped.


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13:3  - Behead those that insult Islam:











Take note that we have no relation with the following address and this picture.

Source is from http://dyn.politico.com/members/forums/thread.cfm?catid=1&subcatid=2&threadid=623140

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14- Jihad

Take note that we have no relations with the following links, addresses, and texts.

This site explains about Jihad. http://www.dhushara.com/book/genesis/3in1/anchor813661

It reads:a

Jihad-Sakina is more than a movie, it is a state of mind transgressing all boundaries between the inside and outside of belief in finding the missing peace complementing (Jih - ad) of Islam and reflowering the Tree of Life in the sacred union in Jerusalem. A video MTV apocalypse set to the events of the WTC which goes to the source of act in Islam. The sequence of musical videos and short documentary clips evolves into an account of the unrest in Israel/Palestine, our millennium reflowering on the Mount of Olives and completes with a multi-source account of the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004. DVD Mpeg2 (PAL-compatible).

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15 - shae = (shiites) moslem = (muslim) in Yemen now: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) The sad outcome of many innocent lives needlessly lost in the recent fighting in the restive province of Saada in northern Yemen over the past week

16 -  Afghanistan kidnap two French: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Two French nationals taken hostage in Afghanistan have told how they fear they will soon be killed, in video footage obtained by a Canadian television network. Updated SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007

17 -  Bangladesh protesters: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Police guard a junction on the first day of a three-day nationwide transport blockade called by the 14-party opposition alliance in Dhaka to derail forthcoming elections. Updated FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2007

18 -  India and Jakarta: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) India has dismissed allegations of recklessness after Indonesia said one of its passenger jets was forced to turn around in mid-air due to a ballistic missile test. Updated FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2007

19 -  Iraqi blast: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) At least 37 people have been killed and about 70 wounded in a car bombing at a bus station in the shae = (shiites) holy city of Karbala in Iraq. Updated SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007

20 -  Iraqi group split from Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda): (visit Terrorism's page to read more) One of Iraq's main armed groups has confirmed a split with Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda), according to a spokesman for the dissenting organization. Up dated THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2007

21 - Iraqi Kurds reject Turkish forces: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) The speaker of Iraqi Kurdistan's regional parliament has described a call by Turkey's top general for a military operation in northern Iraq as a "dangerous escalation". Updated FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2007


22 - Islam and the Christians of Lebanon = (Libanus): (visit Terrorism's page to read more) many analysts predict the violence and instability that has plagued the country for the past two years will continue, even if it falls short of all-out war. Updated THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2007

23 - Islamic revolution in Egypt: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Police in Egypt have detained nine members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood group as part of an ongoing campaign against the country's strongest opposition group. Updated FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2007


24 - Kyrgyzstan protests: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Fighting has broken out during the fourth day of anti-government protests in Kyrgyzstan's capital, Bishkek. Updated SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007

25 -  Libyan president encourage to kill: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) He said: "Our enemies have been crushed inside Libya and you have to be ready to kill them if they emerge anew." Updated SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 03, 2006

26 - Morocco's blasts: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Two suicide bombers have blown themselves up in Casablanca close to the city's US consulate and American cultural centre, officials have said. Updated SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007


27 - Pakistan and Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda): (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Pervez Msharaf, Pakistan's president, has said that Pakistani tribesmen have killed 300 Alk-ae-da = (Al Qaeda)-linked fighters in recent weeks in the South Waziristan region on the Afghan border. Updated THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2007

28 - Pakistan and India: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Pakistan and India have ended talks without reaching a breakthrough in their 23-year-old confrontation on the world's highest battleground, the Siachen Glacier in the Himalayas. Updated SATURDAY, APRIL 07, 2007

29 -  Pakistan protests: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Thousands of people have gathered in Pakistan to protest against the dismissal of Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry, the chief justice, by Pervez Msharaf, the Pakistani president. updated FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2007


30 - Russia helps Iran's nuclear plan: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Russia says it has not seen any indication that Iran has made the breakthrough in its nuclear programme that Tehran claims. Updated TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 2007

31 - Russia protests: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Police in Moscow have detained Garry Kasparov, the Russian opposition leader, along with at least 170 other activists, ahead of a banned anti-Kremlin protest. SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007

32 - Russian revolution: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Boris Berezovsky, the Russian billionaire in-exile, has said that he is trying to foment a revolution in Russia against the government of Vladimir Putin, the country's president. Updated FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2007   


33 - Turkey attacks Kurds: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) The head of Turkey's army has called for a military operation in northern Iraq to target its Kurdish rebels hiding there. Updated THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2007

34 - Turkey Israel / Temple Mount: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) A team of Turkish experts inspected an Israeli excavation in Jerusalem on Wednesday that Muslims fear could damage one of Islam's holiest sites. Old City of Jerusalem March 22, 2007

35 - Turkey protests: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) More than 200,000 demonstrators have protested against Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's prime minister, becoming the country's president. Updated SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007


36 - Somalia and Ethiopia: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) "Somalia is a 100 per cent Islamic nation and Somalis do love Islam and like to deal with Islamists." Therefore, the Somalis are killing the Ethiopians = (Ethiopian) Christians. Updated SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007

37 -  Uganda and Catholic: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Catholic group helping mediate the Juba talks said both sides had made significant progress in a week of secret, informal negotiations on the Kenyan coast. Updated SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007

38 - Nigeria's violence delays elections: (visit Terrorism's page to read more) Violence has left at least 14 dead in Nigeria's south as Nigerians go to the polls to choose state governors in the first of two elections intended to solidify civilian rule. UPDATED SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007

For more information about terrorisms, refer to page "Sins and Wars"

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38:a - Children are terrorizing the peaceful world. 







To watch women and children terrorists, refer to page terrorists "Women and Children terrorists to kill"

This crazy mother is sending her child to die to kill non-moslems because allah commanded her.

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Warning: all the names including the name of the beast 666, or any religious and individuals' names, politicians, politic groups, and any predictions in this site are examples and personal thoughts only. These predictions and names have no connection with reality and authentic events unless it is mentioned so with references and proper sources.


The names of individuals and countries have nothing to do with the beast's number 666 or with any wars, invasions, violence, organizations, or with any religious or politic group. Some religious and violent texts are mentioned according to biblical and quranical "quran" records and to authentic events that are announced through the news or the web with sources. Otherwise, those texts are considered unreliable information.



We aren't responsible for any unreliable information in this site that is given by individuals or through the web. The predictions and the information that are written by us aren't positive until these predictions are fulfilled. 

Note: Mohamed / Mohammed = Muhammed = Muhammad

Jesus = (Isa)