Jesus says: [Put up again thy sword into its place: for all that take the sword shall perish with the sword, Matthew 26:52.]
Go to Site's Index #1 Site's Index # 2
Mission of the early Church Poverty Donations
Violence through Religions = Site Index # 2
Jesus says: [You have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you not to resist evil: but if one strikes thee on thy right cheek, turn to him also the other], From the Christian bible, Jesus' gospel Matthew 5:38 to 46.
Jesus also said: [For if you will forgive men their offences, your heavenly Father will forgive you also your offences. But if you will not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive you your offences], From the Christian bible, Jesus' gospel Matthew 6:14 to 15.
Allah's word in the Islamic Quran says: [O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely allah does not guide the unjust people. Islamic Quran (sourat almaida 5:51)
Site's Index # 2 in alphabetical order:
Politicians, Religions,
bribery & Oil, No electric or hydrogen cars, they got paid
NOT to produce them.
Beheading children
Worldwide terrorisms for one objective You have to be over 18 years old to view this page.
October 2005, three Christian school girls were beheaded in Indonesia
No comment for the beheaded girl's pictures:
You may log to the source of this picture:
Video: click on this link to watch local video about a real story of an African Muslim man that converted to Christianity with his father before death, Powerful testimony must watch. The video is in African Language and translated on screen in English.
You may log to its source also:
[For example, "this link was added May 17 2012", click on this link to read about this new event
"Closing an Islamic mosque [as Islamic school] in May 17 2012" for teaching violent scriptures to children"]
The above photo says: [Masjide] = [mosque], it doesn't say [school].
Allah in the quran commands to KILL non-moslems (non-muslims)
Video: to Watch local video click on this link:
An Arab beating a black boy with cable wire "in school or in office"?
You may log to its first source also:
You may log to its second source also:
You may log to its third
source also:
Whosoever denies Jesus as the Son of God is the antichrist. First John 4:3
For more information about the Antichrist refer to column "G" of this page.
John Hagee said in his video: America is refusing to stop the ridicules immigration policy that shall bring this nation to a blood bath.
Video: to Watch local video click on this link:
"Ridicules immigration policy"
You may log to its original source also Hagee said: God Will Unleash Terrorists on U.S. for Israel's Policy
For more information about the antichrist, refer to column "G"
The source of Obama's picture with African garment and the picture of the American flag is from
Information about the origin of the name "Hussein" and Obama; is Obama Shiite Muslim or Sunni Muslim? According to following text, Obama is Shiite Muslim, unless it was coincidence when his father named him "Hussein".
The Iranians Shia = (Shi'ite Shiites) Muslims use the name "Hussein" often because their name is Ali and his sons imam "Hasan" and "Al Hussein", Ali is the grandson of Mohammed. The Syrians use the name Ali, Hussein, and Hasan also. Iran and Syria are in one accord because they are related through Ali and his two sons. However, both are battling the Sunni Muslims of Saudi Arabia for the past 14 centuries for the death of Ali and his sons because of the caliphate of Mohammed [after Mohammed's death]. For more information, refer to page "Islam Division"
Video: to watch local video click on this link: "Obama's speech" Obama is making fun of the Torah, Jesus' gospel and Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.
Obama's speech about America and religions "Text only"
You may log to the source of Obama's video:
Video: to Watch local video click on this link: "Obama" didn't salute the American flag
You may log to it original source also at
Video: to Watch local video click on this link: "Obama" refuses to place the pin of the American flag on his chest "jacket".
In this video Obama's wife said: [for the first time of my life I am proud of my country].
It means she never was proud of America till her husband Obama is elected president. What kind of American this is?
You may log to its source:
Are these people loyal to America? Could this future president be loyal to America and to us? Is Obama the key to the west for the moslem = (muslim) world? Who did it, when, and how?
The American armies aren't killing the Iraqi people, the Shiite Muslims of Iran are killing the Sunni Muslims in Iraq. Therefore, the Americans are in Iraq to insure peace in Iraq for the Sunnis and the Shiites also.
The Iranian Hezbollah and the Iranian president are WISHING DEATH to America, Israel, and England?
Video: to Watch local videos click this link: "Hezbollah and Iranian president"
The Iranian president named America "the devil". He is probably describing himself.
Acts: / who wrote the book of Acts and Luke in the bible and why?
Abraham sacrifice his son and page "Ishmael / Isaac?"
Amalec: = (Amalek) = (Amalekites) = (giants)
"refer to"
For more information about Giants, refer to page "Valley of the Giants" and page "Asian Giants" "Arabian giants"
Well of Zamzum = "Beer_Zamzum" = "Zamzam's water" = "Zamzummims" = "Zomzommims" = giants
Chaldeans = (Chaldaeans)
Apostles: "reefer for" Prophets and apostles sinned against God also
Apostle: "Women in Church" the apostle Paul disgraces women in the bible, Jesus didn't.
Arabs' origin, refer to page "Keturah / Medes" and page "Mohammed"
Ashoura is mourning day for Moslem = (Muslim) Shiites of Iran, refer to page "Crescent"
In this image, a muslim shiite mother cutting the scalp of her child as a mourning for the death of their leader Al Hussein that was killed by the Sunni Muslims 14 centuries ago.
Beast 666 church in Florida worship the evil beast (666)
Beast (666), Scriptures from the bible
Beast, CODE of the beast (666), "is it religious or an authority?"
Religion of Islam is mentioned in the bible. The beast is killing God's people
Women/men that involved sexually with dogs, cats, pigs, monkeys, horses, etc..." are condemned by God in the bible.
Refer to page "Female circumcisions" You must be over 18 years old to view this page.
For more information, refer to page "Parents" also. Parent's page is permitted for all ages.
Beheading people was permitted in the 6 century according to Quran. I don't think the moderate educated Muslims will do the same thing in 21 century. They are very nice and peaceful people.
koran = (quran) of Islam reads, allah says: [47.4] So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates. (sourat mohamed 47:4 to 6)]
Bible: Why Isaac became the firstborn instead Ishmael? Why Jacob became the firstborn instead Esau? Why the Pharisees are in on accord with Iran ="Persia"="Pha - ris"? For more information, refer to page "Ishmael and Isaac"
"Beer_Zamzum" = "Zamzam's water" = "Zamzummims" = "Zomzommims" = giants
Cain's race: "Refer
Amalec: = (Amalek) = (Amalekites) = (giants)
"refer to"
For more information about Giants, refer to page "Valley of the Giants" and page "Asian Giants" "Arabian giants"
Well of Zamzum = "Beer_Zamzum" = "Zamzam's water" = "Zamzummims" = "Zomzommims" = giants
Kana's massacre "Canaan" is it a myth or authentic?
Child's molesting and marriages in certain religions:
Saudi judge refuses to annul marriage of 8 year girl with
47 old man, [December 20 08]
Crimes and immoralities in churches and in other religions:
For more information about terrorisms, violence, and children abuse, refer to page Violence through religions you have to be 18 and over to watch this page.
Children and adults must read this page to take precaution of religious people.
"Homo/lesbian pastors and priests" Pastors abuse children Homosexuality and Lesbians is text only "no images been exposed in that page)
Child's molesting, child marriages in Islam Read what CNN wrote about his incident
Read what CNN wrote about his incident Child molesting, child marriages in Islam
"12 years old girl forced in marriage"
Video: to Watch local video click to this link:
"Child's molesting "abuse sexually" "12 years old girl forced in marriage" The twelve years old girl was beating and forced in marriage to a Muslim man in Afghanistan.
You may log to its source also.
Child Bride Burnt and Beaten! Visit
Or log to this link http:
Child Bride Burnt and Beaten! Visit
To watch this video directly, log to this link
Children: refer to page "Women and Children are terrorists killing people"
Jesus mentions in the bible in John 16:1 to 3 about certain group or a religion that is killing people to please God. Who are they?
Jesus said: 1 These things have I spoken to you, that you may not be scandalized. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever kills you, will think that he does a service to God. 3 And these things will they do to you; because they have not known the Father, nor me. 4 But these things I have told you, that when the hour shall come, you may remember that I told you of them. John 16:1 to 3
For sure, Muslims are doing favor for allah because they are killing sinners to help him with his job. Let us read to see if I am wrong.
The quran commands the believers in Allah to kill those that don't believe in allah & his messanger Muhammad in Quran (sourat altawba 9:5) and Quran (sourat altawba 9:29), it means the muslims are judging sinners instead of God. And if the believers kill sinners in the name of Allah, the believers that killed sinners become sinners also because they killed people. God judges sinners; it is NOT the muslims' jobs to judge people. We all sinned and we are not perfect. The judge has to be perfect without sin, God is sinless and perfect. Are you perfect and without sin to judge sinners??
Allah's word in the Islamic Quran says: [O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely allah does not guide the unjust people. Islamic Quran (sourat almaida 5:51)
Example from the Quran of Islam: Allah says in Quran: And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of allah; and the [nasara] Christians say: The Messiah is the son of allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may allah destroy them; how they are turned away!] sourat altawba 9:29 to 33
Therefore, Jesus did issue a prophecy about persecuting Christians. He said that these people are doing a favor to God by killing you. Jesus didn't say Muslims because Islam didn't exist during Jesus' era. But Jesus said: those that deny the father and the son will kill Christians. The quran denies God as the Father of Jesus or the Father of the Christians. Should we consider Islam is the religion that Jesus spoke of????
Let's watch these videos, I could be wrong.
Note: the following videos indicate that the Christians are "Kafer" = [kufar]. The meaning of the word kafer or "Kifar" “Kefir” in this video means "blasphemers" or "infidels". These people came to live in the west to kill non-Muslims. They are saying it out loud. It doesn't make any sense. These people have to be arrested immediately, and deported if necessary. I don’t know what our authorities are waiting for? How the western authorities give a permit to a cult to operate as a religion on western soils that is using a violent book that contain passages that command Muslims to kill non-Muslims worldwide, specifically, Jews and Christians.
For more information about these passages, refer to page, "Sharia law of Islam", page "Islamic verses", and "Islam & the Bible".
The above picture shows a Muslim man breaking and removing the cross from the roof of a church. Later, the Muslim burnt the entire church.
Watch local video about terrorists burning / destroying Christian churches in Bosnia, Serbia, and in Baghdad
To Watch local video click on this link: "Christians are infidels = (kafer) = (kufar) in the Quran & in Islam"
The source of the above video is from
For more information about terrorists, refer to column "T" of this page.
Video: Click this link to watch video:
"Christian girl is forced to convert to islam in Zunzibar Tanzania"
The source of the above video is from
Video of exiled and massacred Christians, burnet and demolished Churches to ground zero by explosives in Iraq, you have to log to this link to view this video
If the moslems don't like the non-Muslims around the world because they are infidels, what they are doing in the west? No one ever forced them to refuge in the west. If they don't like the western society, they could always refuge in a country that embraces Islam if they think the Christians are defiled.
Video: What the moslems think about Jews, Christians, and the western world?
Christians are forced to get circumcisions (You have to be over 18 years old to view this page, this page may contain violence and nudities)
Christians, pictures of Christians' massacres in Rwanda You have to be over 18 years old to view this page.
Christians, pictures of Christians' massacres in Rwanda You have to be over 18 years old to view this page.
Video, pictures of exiled and massacred Christians and burnet Churches in Iraq, you have to log to this link to view this video
Christianity / Women / religions (You have to be over 18 years old to view this page, this page may contain violence and nudities)
Christian's experience in the Middle East and the Western World
Why other religions persecute Christians: Thousands of Christians are killed in Indonesia
Christian news "Christians are persecuted worldwide through the violence of religions"
Christians statistics "refer to" Islamic statistics also
Christianity / Women / Religions (You have to be over 18 years old to view this page, this page contains violence and nudities)
Female circumcisions:
(You have to be over 18 years old to view circumcision pages)
Circumcision: Christians are forced "refer to" Christians are forced to get circumcision
Circumcision in religions: "refer to" Circumcision and religions
Circumcision: "refer to" Women / female circumcisions according to other religions
Why the African moslems = (muslims) circumcise their females and why the moslems = (muslims) beat their wives?
Female circumcision and castrated men
circumcision / Judaism / Christianity] you may log directly to its original source also
[Female circumcision, how and where] you may log directly to its original source also
Female circumcisions:
(You have to be over 18 years old to view
circumcision pages)
* Why parents circumcise their daughters?
* Should you beat your woman and why?
* Sexualities, in Religions and in traditions:
* Castrating men
* Arabian cult worships the vagina:
* The Torah (bible) condemns the eunuchs:
* Female circumcisions and castrating men are as spading animals:
* The bible condemns women having sex with animals:
* References about the fires of hell
Refer to page "Female circumcisions" You have to be over 18 years old to view this page.
The following circumcision pages in this column are permitted for all.
Circumcision's law in Jesus' gospel and in Judaism:
Jews obliged strangers to get circumcision in Jerusalem during 45 AD
Second circumcision, God commanded the Hebrews males to get second circumcision, refer to page Jesus spoke well about Moses and God's Law
Iran = Persia = Pharis = Pharisee
Pharisee = Persian = Iranian holding a crescent as a moon goddess's worshipper
Islamic crescent on the top of minaret mosques around the word, it indicates that the origin of the religion of Islam refers to the moon goddess.
Video, click this link to Watch local videos "The moon goddess
Crescent moon goddess was worshipped as allah before Islam.
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Crimes in the name of God Did Moses transgress or add other laws to God's Law?
Why people kill in the name of God and religions?
For more information, refer to page "Ishmael and Isaac"
(You have to be over 18 years old to view crimes' pages)
Crimes pages: "refer to"
Crimes and immorality of the twentieth first century:
Are we talking about animals or human being? Even savage animals don't acts in such rubbish. Animals are peaceful.
(You must be 18 years old and over to view this page, it contains extreme violence and criminal acts)
Stoning 17 years old girl to death in Iraq by moslem = (muslim) Kurds for arranging marriage with a man from different tribe.
You have to be over 18 years old to view this page and to watch this video
Watch local video of this crime "stoning" We are sorry; we can't provide the complete video through this site. You may listen to part of this punishment. "Stoning audio only"
Read what CNN wrote about this crime "Stoning"
Girl was buried alive "refer to" Sins and wars
Singaporean man raped his three under age daughters with the help of his wives, this man is married to ten women and has 64 children, refer to page "Sin and wars" section 2:3
Wife beating in Islam:
Should you beat your four wives and why? is it lawful to kill no-Muslims: "Sharia law of Islam"
Child molesting and marriages in certain religions:
Saudi judge refuses to annul marriage of 8 year girl with
47 old man, [December 20 08]
The 8 year old girl has to stay married to 47 year old man in Saudi Arabia
by the girl's father to settle his debts.
We don't know if this incident a genuine. Recently, the media is spreading the
news about child marriages worldwide to show that marrying six or eight year
girl to 40 - 50 - or sixty old man is a custom, not criminal act and immorality.
Is it to protect the prophet's marriage to six year Aysha?
"Child marriages violate international agreements that have been
signed by Saudi Arabia and should not be allowed."
Read what CNN wrote about his incident.
Crimes and immoralities in churches and in religions:
Children and adults must read this page to take precaution of religious people.
"Homosexual & lesbians [pastors and priests]" Pastors abuse children Homosexuality and Lesbians is a text only "no images been exposed in that page)
Child molesting, child marriages in Islam Read what CNN wrote about this incident
Read what CNN wrote about his incident Child molesting, child marriages in Islam
Video: to Watch local video click on this link:
Child molesting, Part 1 "Twelve years old girl forced in marriage in Afghanistan"
Child molesting, Part 2 "Twelve years old girl forced in marriage in Afghanistan"
You may log to its source also.
Child Bride Burnt and Beaten! Visit
Or log to this link http:
Children for Jihad = Jihadists = martyrs for Allah's sake
Children are dancing with guns and swords preparing for Jihad war against their enemies.
Video: to Watch local video children dancing, click on this link: "Islamic children for jihad in Palestine"
Source: title "children come and play"
Child Bride Burnt and Beaten! Visit
To watch video directly, log to this link
Disobedience through obedience
Drugs information,
"abuses / signs"
"refer to"
Economy and stock markets are falling because of religions:
End times prophecies
and Beast, CODE of the beast (666), "is it religious or an authority"?
End times:
Video: to Watch local video click on this link: "waves in the city"
You may log to its source also.
[The Rapture - You NEED To See This]
Encyclopedia Ottoman Empire persecutes Jews /Christians
False preachers: Martin Luther is a false preacher as Paul. They are not apostles and not the disciples of Jesus Christ. The protestant people have been deceived with Martin Luther theology. The protestant people do agree with Martin Luther teaching and the false apostle Paul because they encourage them to abolish God's Law, which permit them to flourish in sin.
For more information, refer to page Martin Luther's heretic doctrines, the founder of the protestant church
False apostle Paul / Witnesses about the false apostle Paul "Part 1"
Witnesses about the false apostle Paul "Part 2"
Witnesses about the false apostle Paul:
Rabbi Skobac on James the brother of Jesus part 2 "take note: we have no relation with YouTube and Rabbi Skobac"
Rabbi Skobac on James the brother of Jesus part 3 "take note: we have no relation with YouTube and Rabbi Skobac"
Prophets and apostles sinned against God / Islam and Judaism / Nostradamus prophecies about the Arabs
Fear God: "Refer to" Love and fear God
Garden: = [paradise = Janah of allah] full of virgin girls = whorine and wines is for those that kill people "jihad" and for those die in the sake of jihad and allah in battles. Why the koran = (quran) commands the moslems = (muslims) to beat their wives?
Is Allah God? Is Islam a sister faith to Christianity? Why Islam doesn't teach the same doctrines as Christianity?
Watch local video Ridicules immigration policy "Please allow few moments to log"
Note: we have "No" relations with the following addresses and with John Ha gee and his videos. The source of the following videos are from
You may log to its original source; click on the following links through (, please return to this site after you have finished watching.
Whosoever denies Jesus is the Son of God is the antichrist. First John 4:3 Let's listen to John Hagee about the antichrist
VIDEOS about islam and Christianity, God and allah
Local videos aren't available, you have to link to its original sources. John Hagee "who is allah part 1" John Hagee "who is allah part 2" John Hagee "who is allah part 3" John Hagee "who is allah part 4"
God and allah: refer to page "Ishmael and Isaac" / "Crime in the name of God" / "Sharia law of Islam" / "Disobedience through obedience" / terrorists "Women and Children are terrorists to kill people"
God and allah / Persecutions of Jews and
refer to page:
Well of Zamzum = "Beer_Zamzum" = "Zamzam's water" = "Zamzummims" = "Zomzommims" = giants
God's prophets sinned also: "refer to" page:
God's prophets - Mary Magdalene = (Magdalen) / God's prophets / Da Vinci Code
God's prophets sinned also: "refer to" page Prophets and apostles sinned against God
How many gods do people worship? Did God the creator command His people to kill? No
Tell me about your God/god, I tell you who you are.
Which one is your god in those violent gods? Is your god command you to kill or to promote peace?
For more information, refer to page " Worldwide terrorisms for one objective" page "Gog and Magog" page "Beast, is it religious or authority" page "giants" page "Disobedience through obedience" page "Islamic and bible verses" and page "koran = (quran) of Islam"
Sins and wars (You must be 18 years old and over to read "Sins and wars" page, it contains violence and nudities)
Sin of this world
Sins and crimes in the name of God
Holocaust, Why Did Hitler Cause 11 Million to Die?
History: Christians, thousands of Christians are killed in Indonesia
Human sacrifices; were it offered to God or to other gods
Video: Historical distortion of Jesus in the qur'an
"Take note that we have no relation with this link and the person that is preaching in this video"
Iran: Maid = Medes = Media = Persia or Persian empire's flag
Arabs' origin, refer to page "Keturah / Medes" and page "Mohammed"
Israel: "refer to" Palestine and Israel
The origin of the Pharisees’ = (Persians) = (Iranians) ideology is Zoroastrians.
For more information about the Pharisees' ideology, refer to page Zoroastrians
and page Zionists /orthodox / Israel and page Pharisees
Ishmael and Isaac: Cain is the firstborn of Adam. Why the Torah places Seth as the firstborn of Adam’s instead Cain? Why Cain kill his brother Abel? Why Cain was excluded from Adam’s offspring? Why Abel isn’t mentioned in Adam’s offspring? Why the daughters of men are connected to Cain's race? Why Isaac became the firstborn instead Ishmael? Why Jacob became the firstborn instead Esau? Why Esau married Ishmael's daughter? Why one of Esau's offspring is Amlec = (giant)? Why Judah became the first born instead Ruben? Why Jacob blessed Ephraim instead Manaseh? Why the ten tribes of Israel are excluded except two tribes, Judah and Benjamin? Why the moslems = (muslims) are fighting the Jews and the Christians?
For more information, refer to page Ishmael and Isaac / Crescent, the moon goddess" / "Crimes in the name of God" / "Human sacrifices"
Why some flags contain five points star and the crescent moon? Example: Turkey, Pakistan, Morocco etc...
For more information, refer to page "Crescent moon goddess"
Beheading people was permitted in the 6 century according to Quran. I don't think the moderate educated Muslims will do the same thing in 21 century. They are very nice and peaceful people.
koran = (quran) of Islam reads, allah says: [47.4] So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates. (sourat mohamed 47:4 to 6)]
Allah commands in the koran = (quran) to behead anyone that fabricates word against allah.
It reads: [69.45] We would certainly have seized from him the right, [hand]
[69.46] Then We would certainly have cut off his aorta.
[69.47] And not one of you could have withheld Us from him.]
Sourat alhakt 69:45 to 47.
Note: the aorta is the artery that supply blood from the heart to the neck and to entire body. In Arabic it is called [al wateen]
Allay says: [The punishment of those who wage war against allah and his apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement, (sourat almaeda 5:33)]
Allah says ion quran: [9.30] And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of allah; and the [nasara] Christians say: The Messiah is the son of allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may allah destroy them; how they are turned away!
allah says: And certainly you have known those among you [Jews] who exceeded the limits of the Sabbath, so We said to them: Be (as) apes [monkeys], despised and hated. So We made them an example to those who witnessed it and those who came after it, and an admonition to those who guard (against evil). (sourat albakara 2:65 to 66).
allah says: O followers of the Book [Jews]! do you find fault with us (for aught) except that we believe in allah and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed before, and that most of you are transgressors? Say: Shall I inform you of (him who is) worse than this in retribution from allah? (Worse is he) whom allah has cursed and brought His wrath upon [Jews], and of whom he made apes and swine, and he who served the Shaitan [devil]; these are worse in place and more erring from the straight path. And when they come to you, they say: We believe; and indeed they come in with unbelief and indeed they go forth with it; and allah knows best what they concealed. And you will see many of them striving with one another to hasten in sin and exceeding the limits, and their eating of what is unlawfully acquired; certainly evil is that which they do. (sourat almaada 5:59 to 62)
The terrorists are very happy when they see these violent pictures because they are saving moneys and times because we are publishing them instead. We have to do it to warn the people from their violence, we have no other choice. They are brainwashing and scaring the people worldwide to islamize them without using effort, which saves them moneys and casualties.
(You have to be over 18 years old to view this video)
Video: to Watch locale video click on this link: "Islamic sharia law commands to cut the hand and the foot" on the opposite side
You may log to its source also:
allay says: [The punishment of those who wage war against allah and his apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement, (sourat almaeda 5:33)]
Islam is mentioned in the bible. The beast is killing God's people
Did Mohamed [Mohammed] err? Islamic scholars admit that Mohammed did err, other moslems = (muslims) denied such accusation.
Sheik "Imam" Qar – da - wee said: [the Islamic books as "Sahih muslim", "Ijtihad", "Fatwa", and the koran = (quran) indicate that Mohammed was blamed for certain actions. It says: [mohammed] why you had permitted certain commandments that was prohibited by God? God forgives you.]
If mohammed was blamed and was forgiven, it means he did err. mohammed was a human being, not god. God is perfect.
Video: Watch local videos about what moslem scholars said about these accusations:
Did prophet Mohammed make mistakes = [transgressed]? Read text
Watch local Video: "Prophet Mohammed make mistakes" speech by Muslim scholars Sheik [Qar – da - we]
You may log to its original source also:
Islam, Judaism, and Christianity
Video: Watch local videos about Islamic debate with "Wa - fa" "Sul - tan" and a moslem = (muslim) scholar on violence of Islam
Click on this link to watch video: "Wa - fa" "Sul - tan" speech
You may log to its original source also:
Watch local video about Islam will conquer Rome = (Romia) "Europe" as they did it before they will do it again.
Video: to Watch locale video click on this link: "Islam will conquer Rome first" According to Islamic scholar Sheik "Qar - da - wee"
You may log to its original source also:
"Islamic statistics" / "Christians statistics"
For more information about Raheb Bohaira = (Bouhaira) = (bohaira) = (bohayra) = (Bahira)"and mohammed's family, refer to page "Muhammad"
Iran's connection with the moon goddess "Crescent" Iran's flag
Indonesians kill Christians
We have no relation with this video, please Log to its source:
Islam, Jesus, and Christianity:
We have no relation with this video, please Log to its source:
Women in Islam:
Women Self-Immolate to escape: We have no relation with this video, please Log to its source:
Marriage in Islam: We have no relation with this video, please Log to its source:
Is pedophilia legal? We have no relation with this video, please Log to its source:
Jesus' gospel and the Torah: "refer to" Torah and Jesus' gospel
Video: The Historical distortion of Jesus in the Qur'an
"Take note that we have no relation with this link and the person that is preaching in this video"
Jewish holocaust: Why Did Hitler Cause 11 Million to Die?
Jews: "Zionists" Who are the Pharisees? Is there a difference between the Zionists and orthodox Jews?
According to Islamic book Hadith, CUT the Jews' heads, sale them if they are in your land, and kill non-moslems = (muslims). Watch local videos below in terrorisms' column "T".
Kana's massacre Myth? "Canaan"
Keturah's sons and the Midian Maid = Medes = Media Madian "Abraham's first wife"
Killing: Christians, thousands of Christians are killed in Indonesia
Killing in the name of God: "refer to" Crimes in the name of God Did Moses transgress or add other laws to God's Law?
Koran = (quran) of Islam "Quran"
Sharia law of Islam Why Islam rejects Judaism, Christianity, and the western world?
Is there a difference between allah and God?
Law: Why Islam rejects Judaism, Christianity, and the western world? Sharia law of Islam
Law of Terrorists: refer to page "Disobedience through obedience" and page terrorists "Women and Children terrorists to kill", Moslem women and children are terrorizing the world
The antichrist is at hand:
The source of the orthodox Jews' pictures is from (
Last days' propaganda: "Orthodox Jews' harmony with the president of Iran to overwhelm the Zionists"
refer to "Zionist Jews of Israel and orthodox Jews" of Iran = (Pharisees) = (Pharis)
Loving God is priority; loving a friend, a lost one, or an enemy is what you need also.
Why you are fighting evil with evil, overcome evil with good, which is what we are aiming for, and it is your turn to do likewise. Use the language of peace instead weapons.
Jesus says: [Put up again thy sword into its place: for all that take the sword shall perish with the sword, Matthew 26:52.]
Luther: Martin Luther is a false preacher as Paul. They are not apostles and not the disciples of Jesus Christ. The protestant people have been deceived with Martin Luther theology. The protestant people do agree with Martin Luther teaching and the false apostle Paul because they encourage them to abolish God's Law, which permit them to flourish in sin.
For more information, refer to page Martin Luther's heretic doctrines, the founder of the protestant church
Maid: = Medes = Media Madian =Midian = Arabs, Persian / Persia = Iran, "refer to"
Keturah's sons and the Midian [Note: Madian = (Midian) = (Median) =Madianite = (Midianite)]
The antichrist is at hand:
Martin Luther's heretic doctrines, the founder of the protestant church "
Magog: "refer to" Gog / Magog / Cain's race Persecutions of Jews and Christians
Menorah or Candle sticks
Moon goddess "crescent"
Moon goddess "crescent" is a Persian cult
Iranian flag
Iran = Persian = Persia = Pharisee = Orthodox Jews
For more information about Raheb Bohaira = (Bouhaira) = (bohaira) = (bohayra) = (Bahira)" and mohammed's family, refer to page
Multiple wives in the bible: "refer to" Polygamy in the bible & quran
News: "refer to" Christian news
News: "refer to" History and news
Nostradamus prophecies (English) French) original and complete
Image of Pharisee = Persian = Iranian holding a crescent as a moon goddess worshipper
Nostradamus prophecies about Islam, Iran, and Roma "Rome" "Roman"
Nostradamus prophecies About the Islamic Friday and the crescent , Half pig man, Rome, creature will be born with two heads and four arms, the moon, Babylon, Saint Paul the beast hidden in a cave, Russian armies with Arab forces, the Ishmaelite, prophecy for seven thousand years, a man who will celebrate Thursday as his holiday, [and prophecy about the temple mount that is occupied by the moslems = (muslims)]
Paradise full of virgin girls = whourine and wines for those that kill people "jihad"
Paul: look for Paul's link in the following texrt.
Persecution: Jews / Christians: The antichrist is at hand:
Refer to Nostradamus prophecies about the Arabs
Refer to Encyclopedia: Ottoman Turkey / Iran / Syria
Refer to Encyclopedia: Turkey Ottoman empire
Refer to Worldwide terrorisms for one objective
Refer to Gog / Magog / Cain's race
Refer to Beast, CODE of the beast (666), "is it religious or an authority"?
Refer to Beast (666) the antichrist
Refer to Christian news worldwide Christians' persecutions
Christians, thousands of Christians were massacred in Rwanda page 1
Christians, pictures of massacred Christians in Rwanda page 2
You may log directly to its source also.
The sources of the above massacred Christians images are from
"Pharisees" "Did Jesus attack the Jews or the Pharisees?
What is the difference between native Jews, Orthodox Jews, Zionists Jews, and the Persian Pharisees?
For more information, refer to page "Zionists" , "Crescent" , "Zoroastrians’ ideology of Persia" ,
Persia = Iran and the Pharisees
What the Babylonian Talmud says about sex and marriages with infants? The Talmud permits killing non-Pharisees. Who are the Pharisees, why they killed Jesus? The Pharisees are Iranians, not Jews. Why Iran is in one accord with the Orthodox Jews, not with Zionists?
Persia or Persian kingdom: "Refer to" Maid = Medes = Media = Iran
Persia = Iran "refer to" Zionists and Israel page
Pharisees "refer to" Zionists and Israel page
The actual Pharisees’ = (Persians) = (Iranians) ideology is Zoroastrians.
For more information about the Pharisees' ideology, refer to page Zoroastrians
and page Zionists /orthodox / Israel and page Pharisees
Philistine "Refer to " Palestine and Israel
Polygamy in the bible multiple wives in the bible
"Politic, religions, and oils"
Did they leave their hungry children to die or they are waiting for God to feed them? God works trough people, He is not coming down to feed them, he is waiting for you to do so.
DO YOU REALLY CARE? Are you on strict diet to lose some weights? Well, these children are dying because they lost lots of weights.
prophecies: (15 century) "Refer to" Nostradamus' prophecies (English) French)
Prophecies: (15 century) "Refer to" Nostradamus' prophecies about the Arabs
Information about Nostradamus' prophecies about the Arabs:
Note: [Ishmael; the apostle Paul as a beast; the crescent as moslem = (muslim) sign; the moon would reign for twenty years; "Mahometan" means "mohammed”; Babylon = Iran; half pig man; number seventy accomplishment.]
Prophets and apostles sinned against God also
Prophets: Nostradamus prophecies about the Arabs and St. Paul the Tarsus "Saul"
Prophets: Witnesses about the false apostle Paul "part 1" and Witnesses about the false apostle Paul "Part 2"and False apostle Paul
Proof Jesus = (Yeshua) is the Messiah = (Mashiach):
"Proof Jesus = (Yeshua) is the Messiah Biblical evidences that prove Jesus is the Messiah don’t abolish the Torah, on the contrary, it confirms it.
Protestant church: Martin Luther's heretic doctrines, the founder of the protestant church "
Qana / Canaan Kana's massacre "Myth or Authentic"
Religion of Islam is mentioned in the bible. The beast is killing God's people
Satan: "Refer to" Devil
Saved & Salvation: "Refer to" Are we saved?
Should you beat your four wives in Islam and why? (You must be 18 years old and over to view this page)
Sharia law of Islam Why Islam rejects Judaism, Christianity, and the western world?
Sins and wars (You must be 18 years old and over to read "Sins and wars" page, it contains violence and nudities)
Sin of this world
The source of the beheaded men picture is from: world war 3
Slavery during the Islamic era, watch local pictures and external video only
Star of David "information about the star of Remphen =Remphan = Remedan, and other stars for evil's worshipping"
Stoning 17 years old girl to death in Iraq by Kurd for arrange marriage with muslim sunnis man from another tribe.
(You must be 18 years old and over to read and watch stoning video, it contains extreme violence and criminal act) Watch
Video: to watch video of this crime click on this link:
"stoning video" We are sorry; we can't provide the complete video through this site.
You may listen to part of this punishment. "Stoning audio only"
Honor killing:
Stoning 17 years old girl to death in Iraq by Kurd's tribe for loving a sunni moslem = (muslim) man, even the Iraqi authority permits such practice or it may reduces sentence to few month in jail instead life because it is in the Sharia law of Islam, to stone those that dishonor the family or religion, or traditions. It is crime against humanity and barbarian act that describes these people by devils full of hates, Satanism, and demonic spirits.
The Muslims in the west are trying to legalize honor killing in western law. First, they contest this word and they demand to use different word to describe this action in court of Canada. Some Muslims denies such practice, others agree. According to quran, it is permitted.
For more information, Refer to page "Stoning" and page "Honor killing"
Talmud, What the Babylonian Talmud says about sex and marriages with infants? The Talmud permits killing non-Pharisees. Who are the Pharisees, why they killed Jesus?
The Pharisees are Iranians, not Jews.
For more information about the abnormal character of the Pharisees in the Talmud, refer to these links:
To Watch this video, you have to log to its original sources "Local videos aren't available" Video about the Talmud, Title: The Most Disgusting Religion Known To Man Video about the Talmud, title: The Other Israel (1/7): The Talmud, pt.1 link to read Talmud link comment on Jesus in Talmud link speaks about Mary is prostitute and Jesus is a sinner in the Talmud. Truth about the Talmud: Racist, Rabbinic Hate Literature.
The antichrist is at hand:
Terrorisms "Refer to" Worldwide terrorisms for one objective
Terrorist "Children" women and children are terrorizing the world with explosives "
Refer to" "Disobedience through obedience" also
Terrorists for Jihad = Jihadists:
Children for Jihad = Jihadists = martyrs for Allah's sake
Children are dancing with guns and swords for Jihad war against their enemies.
Video: to Watch local video children dancing, click on this link: "Islamic children for jihad in Palestine"
Source: title "children come and play"
Watch video about moslem = (muslim) terrorists threaten to dominate America and to Islamize all the religions of this world, stepping and cutting the American flag. The terrorist said that he has a license to protest and to step on the American flag, is it true? Who gave him this license, is his religion permits him to kill and to dominate the world? What kind of religion is this?
To Watch local video click on this link: "muslims stepping on America"
Are these people loyal to America? How could they step on the American flag in America, why they came to America to begin with? Is it to obtain freedom or to destroy our freedoms? If they don't like America and Americans, they could go to a country that embraces their ideology. No one ever force them to come to America. America and all western countries welcome all mankind but the immigrants must obey the law of the country that immigrated in?
Stepping on the American flag in New York, shouting to conquer the world and to convert all the religions of this world to their ideology, is it for real?
There is a mark on his right arm in this photo. I have noticed other protesters in different places have the same mark on their foreheads also. The bible mentions about mark on foreheads and arms, what do they mean with this mark? The mark says: [no God but Allah Mohammed is the messenger of allah] Through this phrase, muslims reject God the creator to replace him by allah.
The book of (Revelation chapter 13) in the bible mentions about similar event.
Video: to Watch locale video click on this link: "Cutting the America flag"
The source of these videos from YOUTUBE.COM: and
Video: to Watch locale video click on this link:
Islam will dominate the world, president of Iran said.
The source of this video is from: you could watch directly through its original source also
The above picture on the right, Feb 3 2003, "Sheik Ba-k -r" "Al - Sama - rai" holding a sword in the mosque to cut the Jews' heads. Published by Iraq TV and by
The picture on the left, chief terrorists "Ab -ou Ham -za" "Al mas -ri" said: [the Islamic rules "jihad" you can sale or kill non-moslem = (non-muslim) in your territories, he is a cow.]
To Watch local video click on this link: "Cut the Jews' heads"
To Watch local video click on this link: "Non-muslim is like a cow"
You may log to "Sheik Ba-k -r" original source also
You may log to"Ab -ou Ham -za" original source also
According to the biography of Mohammed in the book of Hadith # 5203, by the scholar "Sahih Muslim", it reads:
[the messenger of Allah said: the hour shall not prevailed [before the end comes] the Muslims fight the Jews, the Muslims will kill the Jews, which makes a Jew hide behind a stone and a tree, the stone or the tree will say: O Muslim, the slave of Allah, this is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.
The Iranian Hezbollah and the Iranian president are WISHING DEATH to America, Israel, and England?
Video: To Watch local video click on this link: "Hezbollah and Iranian president"
The Iranian president named them the devil. He is probably describing himself.
"Female circumcisions" You have to be over 18 years old to view this page.
Worldwide terrorisms for one objective
The actual Pharisees’ = (Persians) = (Iranians) ideology is Zoroastrians.
For more information about the Pharisees' ideology, refer to page Zoroastrians
and page Pharisees
"Did Jesus attack the Jews or the Pharisees?
What is the difference between native Jews, Orthodox Jews, Zionists Jews, and the Persian Pharisees?
For more information, refer to page "Pharisees" , "Crescent" , "Zoroastrians’ ideology of Persia"
and page "Ishmael Isaac" and page Torah and Jesus' gospel
"Zionists' Jews of Israel and the orthodox Jews"
Pharisees? Is there a difference between the Zionists Jews and orthodox Jews?
The Pharisees that pretended to be Jews demanded to Pontius Pilate to crucify Jesus, not the native Jews, Matthew 27:1 to 2.
The Pharisees are Persians, not Jews. Jesus didn't attack the Jewish community; he attacked the Pharisees that claimed to be Jews.
Last days' propaganda: "Orthodox Jews' harmony with Iran is to overwhelm the Zionists of Israel"
The picture on the left shows the president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad welcoming the orthodox Jews. Sept 24 2007, A delegation of Anti-Zionist Orthodox Rabbis met with Iranian President, Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad prior to his delivering speeches at the United Nations and Columbia University.
Why Iran, "Hezb - ollah", and Ben Laden are in one accord with the Russian orthodox Christians, the orthodox Jews, and the orthodox Armenians?
However, why Iran, "Hezb - ollah", and Ben Laden aren't in one accord with the Zionists Jews, the western Christians, and the Middle Eastern Christians?
The above picture: Sept 24 2007, UN, NY: Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews counter protest outside the United Nations during visit by Iranian President Ahmadinejad.
The Israelite flag is published in the site of this site was published in favor of the orthodox Jews against the Zionists Jews of Israel.
Take note that we have no relation with the site by any means.
Upcoming subjects:
God isn’t the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Israel ONLY.
* Why Isaac became the promised son instead Ishmael?
* Why the Torah contains violence commandments?
* Are there two different Laws of God, peaceful and violent?
* Did Moses die before he entered the Promised Land?
*Why God is God of Israel?
* Why the bible mentions about God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob "Israel" only, how about the world, aren't suppose to have God?
* How God and allah command us "NOT to kill" in one commandment, but they command us "to kill" in other commandments through their books?
* What is the different between God and allah?
* Why the moslems = (muslims) are fighting Christians and Jews worldwide to please allah?
* Why the Protestant christians in Northern Island are killing the Catholic Christians in the name of religion?
For more information, refer to page "Ishmael and Isaac" in April 2009
For verification, log to and search for the bible and the koran's = (quran) passages that are mentioned in this site through the web. If I am wrong, I apologize in advance. But, I am sure I quoted the right passages.
Warning: all the names including the name of the beast 666, or any religious and individuals' names, politicians, politic groups, and any predictions in this site are examples and personal thoughts only. These predictions and names have no connection with reality and authentic events unless it is mentioned so with references and proper sources.
The names of individuals and countries have nothing to do with the beast's number 666 or with any wars, invasions, violence, organizations, or with any religious or politic group. Some religious and violent texts are mentioned according to biblical and quranical "quran" records and to authentic events that are announced through the news or the web with sources. Otherwise, those texts are considered unreliable information.
We aren't responsible for any unreliable information in this site that is given by individuals or through the web. The predictions and the information that are written by us aren't positive until these predictions are fulfilled.
Note: Mohamed / Mohammed = Muhammed = Muhammad = Mhmd = Muhameth
Jesus = (Isa)